With 464/464 delegates participating in the vote in favor (accounting for 96.87% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), the National Assembly passed the Resolution of the 8th Session, 15th National Assembly.
On the afternoon of November 30, with 464/464 delegates participating in the vote in favor (accounting for 96.87% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), the National Assembly passed the Resolution of the 8th Session, 15th National Assembly.
Presenting the draft Resolution, Secretary General of the National Assembly and Head of the National Assembly Office Le Quang Tung said that at the 8th Session, the National Assembly passed 18 laws and 21 resolutions; and gave initial opinions on 10 draft laws.
The National Assembly highly appreciated the direction, administration and drastic and effective implementation of tasks and solutions of the Government, Prime Minister, ministries, branches and localities; commended the efforts of the business community and people of all walks of life who have basically completed and exceeded many targets and tasks of socio-economic development and the state budget in 2024.
The National Assembly requests the Government, the Prime Minister, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, the State Audit, ministries, branches, central agencies and local authorities to thoroughly grasp the requirements for innovation in the development and promulgation of legal documents.
Accordingly, submit and promulgate legal documents under the authority in accordance with the direction of the Party and the National Assembly on innovation in thinking, methods, and legislative processes, ensuring the requirements of state management, while encouraging creativity, liberating all productive forces, and unleashing all resources for development; resolutely abandon the mindset of "if you can't manage, then ban."
Legal regulations must be stable in the long term; transparent, accessible; adaptable to changes in practice, systematic and rigorous, contributing to building a progressive, harmonious and developed society.
Regarding the work of preventing and combating crimes and law violations, preventing, detecting and handling corruption, waste, negativity, investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, the National Assembly requests the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy and relevant agencies to continue to effectively implement the targets, tasks and solutions according to Resolution No. 96/2019/QH14 and other Resolutions of the National Assembly.
Continue to review legal regulations in the fields of investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments; bidding, auction, capital construction investment, land, minerals, finance-banking, petroleum, electricity... and other fields prone to corruption, negativity and waste; promptly detect inappropriate, overlapping and inconsistent regulations to amend and supplement according to authority or propose appropriate amendments and supplements; at the same time, invest resources for effective implementation.
The Government, the Prime Minister, ministries and central branches strengthen effective solutions to prevent, combat and fight more effectively against all types of crime, especially drug crimes, property fraud, child abuse, tax evasion, illegal mining and high-tech crimes...
Strengthen state management, inspection, examination and auditing to prevent corruption, waste and negativity; recover corrupt assets.
The Supreme People's Court urgently organizes the implementation of the Law on Organization of People's Courts 2024; continues to have solutions to improve the quality of adjudication and settlement of administrative cases.
The Supreme People's Procuracy continues to synchronously deploy solutions to improve the quality of prosecution and supervision of judicial activities. Strengthen supervision of civil and administrative judgment enforcement activities and make recommendations for handling violations in civil and administrative judgment enforcement according to the provisions of law.
The National Assembly basically agreed with the Report synthesizing opinions and recommendations of voters and people sent to the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly, the Report on the results of monitoring the settlement and response to voters' recommendations sent to the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly, and the Report on the results of receiving citizens, handling petitions and supervising the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations sent to the National Assembly in 2024; highly appreciated the efforts of the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, branches, central agencies and local authorities in settling and responding to voters' recommendations; settling petitions and denunciations sent by National Assembly agencies in 2024.
The Government, the Prime Minister, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, ministries, branches, central agencies, and local authorities at all levels, according to their assigned functions and tasks, shall study, receive, resolve, and respond to proposals and recommendations of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.
Pay attention to resolving and responding to voters' recommendations; focus on effectively resolving complaints and denunciations, especially complicated and prolonged cases; direct ministries, branches and People's Committees of provinces and cities to continue to deploy and effectively implement the recommendations of the National Assembly Standing Committee in Resolution No. 623/NQ-UBTVQH15.
The National Assembly assigned the Government to summarize and report at the 10th Session of the 15th National Assembly on the implementation results of Resolutions No. 120/2020/QH14, No. 24/2021/QH15, No. 25/2021/QH15 and relevant Resolutions of the National Assembly on national target programs and propose the Program for the period 2026-2030. Allowing the extension of the implementation period and disbursement of capital for national target programs in 2024 (including capital in 2022 and 2023 transferred to 2024) until December 31, 2025.
The National Assembly agreed to continue reducing the value added tax rate by 2% for the groups of goods and services specified in Point a, Section 1.1, Clause 1, Article 3 of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Socio-Economic Recovery and Development Program from January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025.
The National Assembly resolved to continue implementing the investment policy for the Ninh Thuan nuclear power project; assigned the Government to urgently direct the allocation of resources for implementation according to the conclusions of competent authorities; and research to amend and supplement relevant laws, including the Law on Atomic Energy.
The National Assembly also agreed to the policy of adjusting the National Land Use Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050; and agreed to adjust the investment policy of the Long Thanh International Airport Project.
The National Assembly approved solutions to continue to remove difficulties caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic so that Vietnam Airlines Corporation can soon recover and develop sustainably; agreed to supplement the 2024 state budget expenditure estimate for ministries, central agencies and localities to implement the basic salary level as prescribed in Decree No. 73/2024/ND-CP of the Government./.
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