Sharing with Women's Health magazine, Ms. Keri Peterson - medical advisor at the Pennsylvania Hospital and Health System Association (USA), said that not only does it not bring health benefits, exercising outdoors in high temperatures will put your body at many risks.
According to Ms. Peterson, when exercising in extremely hot temperatures, the body will experience a number of phenomena such as sweating more than usual, blood pressure decreasing, and heart rate increasing. These phenomena can cause dizziness, or even heatstroke, and lead to other heart problems.
Exercising outdoors in high temperatures puts your body at risk.
What is the best time to exercise?
Sharing with The Washington Post , Ms. Clare Minahan, a sports science expert at Griffith University (Australia), commented that people need to be flexible in choosing the time to exercise, and should avoid hot times of the day because it can easily make the body tired.
Accordingly, Ms. Minahan said that if you want to exercise outdoors, the ideal time to practice is when the temperature is stable, not too high. When practicing, you should choose a cool place with lots of trees. People should limit exercise during hot times of the day - when the outdoor temperature is higher than 32 degrees Celsius.
“If possible, find an area with a breeze and wear loose clothing to help sweat evaporate more efficiently,” notes Minahan.
Minahan also stressed that people should avoid exercising on surfaces made of heat-retaining asphalt or concrete. "These surfaces are black and tend to absorb a lot of heat, so they will be hotter than normal surfaces. Exercising on such hot surfaces can cause fatigue and even heat stroke," Minahan added.
Notes when exercising on hot days
According to Women's Health , when exercising on hot days, you should bring water with you, and you can drink small sips in between workouts. Drinking more water after finishing your workout will help you replenish the lost water.
In addition, you need to listen to your body during the training process. Pay attention to your heart rate, adjust the intensity of your training and rest when you feel too tired.
"When symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, or a faster-than-normal heartbeat appear, you should stop exercising and find a shady place to rest to help stabilize and lower your body temperature," Ms. Peterson noted.
Ms. Peterson also advises that if the weather outside is too hot, you can also exercise and work out at the gym to avoid the possibility of heat being dangerous to your body.
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