GĐXH - There are 3 great times of the day you can choose to exercise if you want to burn fat, lose weight and improve your fitness.
Researchers have confirmed that moderate or intense exercise, such as jogging, at any time of the day can increase longevity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer compared to little or no exercise.
Experts point out that if you have been doing the same type of exercise for months without seeing any changes or improvements you expect, you should change your workout schedule.
For example, instead of exercising in the morning, you might benefit your metabolic health and performance a little more by exercising in the afternoon or early evening. Typically, your body's core temperature is warmer in the evening, and your strength and endurance may be higher when compared to exercising in the morning.
3 time frames you should spend exercising to burn fat best
Exercise 5 - 8am
Morning is the best time to exercise and is ideal for you to exercise to lose weight. Because, in the morning the amount of carbohydrates in our body is very low. Exercising at this time will help the ability to convert excess fat into consumed calories to happen faster.
According to research by sports science professor Anthony Hackney at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (USA), morning exercise helps burn excess fat in the body thanks to the high levels of special hormones produced in the morning.
The hormones mentioned here are cortisol and growth hormone. They play a role in promoting faster metabolism, increasing the efficiency of burning excess fat, helping you lose weight faster.
In addition, morning exercise also helps the body produce a hormone that reduces appetite, helping you feel full faster, thereby limiting the process of adding more energy to the body.
Exercise 4 - 6 pm
According to research, the evening time from 4pm to 6pm is the ideal time for weight loss exercise. According to the explanation, this is the time when muscle strength is at its peak, ready for exercise, so it will cause less damage, reducing the risk of injury when exercising at high intensity.
In addition, exercising in the afternoon brings about a clear weight loss effect, this is the time when the biological rhythm that regulates body temperature also changes. At this time, the body temperature increases by 1-2 degrees compared to the morning due to physical activities during the day. Thanks to this biological change, your muscles become more flexible and elastic. When the body temperature increases, the body heats up quickly and the ability to burn excess fat occurs faster. Therefore, the fat burning effect will change very clearly.
Evening exercise time from 8-9pm
Many people think that exercising in the evening is not good. However, if you can arrange to have dinner before 7pm, exercising between 8-9pm is very useful. Exercising before 9pm will help you sleep better and deeper, improving the quality of your sleep.
However, when exercising in the evening, you need to note:
- You should eat moderately in the evening, not too much.
– Choose gentle exercises such as walking, yoga, aerobics, breathing exercises, etc.
– Do not exercise close to bedtime. It is best to exercise about 1.5 hours before bedtime because after exercise, the body will need at least 90 minutes to stabilize. Exercising close to bedtime can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/3-khung-gio-vang-nen-tap-the-duc-ke-ca-di-bo-tap-gym-deu-dot-mo-giam-can-va-ngua-benh-hieu-qua-172250306143101914.htm
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