The Women's Union of Tan Son district has just coordinated with the Tan Son District Youth Union to organize a training course to improve the capacity of women to participate in socio-economic development activities of the community "Guiding skills to access and apply information technology to consume local products and goods for ethnic minority women".
At the training session, 150 delegates including cadres, women's union members, ethnic minority youth union members, farm owners, members of cooperatives, association groups, economic development models, homestays... were informed and guided by the reporter on skills to access and apply information technology to consume local products and goods; skills to put products on e-commerce platforms, and cashless payment for products.
Reporter informs, guides skills in accessing and applying information technology to consume local products and goods.
Through training, it aims to help cadres, members, youth union members and women gain more knowledge and skills in production and business; strengthen linkages and connections of agricultural products into local product chains; apply information technology, digital transformation associated with social networking platforms to promote products, put products on e-commerce platforms; promote the strengths of local natural resources, typical and unique products to develop the economy, promote tourism right on the homeland.
Quoc An
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