Based on information collected from log files traded on the underground market, Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence revealed that nearly 10 million devices had their data stolen through malware in 2023.
The (.com) domain had the most compromised accounts, followed by domains associated with Brazil (.br), India (.in), Colombia (.co), and Vietnam (.vn). Of these, the (.vn) domain, associated with Vietnam, had 5,500,000 compromised accounts in 2023.
On each infected device, cybercriminals are estimated to steal an average of 50.9 credentials. Threat actors use these credentials for nefarious purposes, such as launching cyberattacks, selling them, or distributing them freely on dark web forums and underground channels on the Telegram platform.
The value of dark web logs with login credentials depends on how desirable the data is, as well as how it is marketed on the site. Login credentials can be sold through subscription services with regular uploads, known as “aggregators,” for specific requests, or through “stores” that sell proprietary information to carefully selected buyers.
To protect information from data-stealing malware, users should use a comprehensive security solution for all devices. This will help prevent infections and alert them to dangers, such as suspicious websites or phishing emails that may be the source of infection. Furthermore, businesses can help their users, employees, and partners protect themselves from threats in this way. They can proactively monitor for leaks and prompt users to change leaked passwords immediately.
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