The decision comes as Mr. Durov was arrested in France on charges related to failing to prevent illegal activities on the platform, including hate speech, money laundering, drug and weapons trafficking, and illegal sexual content.
Mr. Durov has previously strongly criticized these allegations, saying that holding CEOs personally responsible for user behavior is “wrong” and could negatively affect technological innovation.
Telegram agrees to provide user data to authorities
However, after his arrest, Mr. Durov changed his stance and emphasized that he would not let bad actors harm the platform, which has nearly 1 billion users. He said Telegram would start reviewing and removing problematic content from search results, and encouraged users to report illegal content.
With this change, Telegram has updated its terms of service and privacy policy, allowing the company to provide user information to authorities when legally required. This has left many users feeling uneasy, especially in the context of Telegram being considered one of the most secure messaging platforms.
While Telegram claims that private chats are still end-to-end encrypted and the company cannot decrypt the content of the conversations within, the news of providing user data to the government has raised privacy concerns. In particular, group chats and discussion channels will not be protected by encryption, which could pose a major risk to users.
With nearly 1 billion users worldwide, this privacy policy change will have a major impact on user trust in Telegram. Many are looking at other alternatives to protect their personal information, as the platform's security is no longer as secure as it once was.
The change in Telegram's privacy policy raises many questions about the future of the platform and the safety of online messaging services in an increasingly strict regulatory environment. Time will tell whether Telegram can maintain user trust in an environment where personal privacy is becoming a top concern.
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