Today's ransomware attacks often start from a security weakness of an agency or organization.
Through monitoring and supervising cyber attacks in recent times, the Department of Information Security (ATTT, under the Ministry of Information and Communications) has noticed that there are ransomware attacks targeting agencies, organizations, and businesses in Vietnam, especially those operating in important fields such as finance, banking, energy, telecommunications, etc., causing property damage, reputation damage, and business disruption for units experiencing incidents caused by ransomware.
According to the Department of Information Security, current ransomware attacks often start from a security weakness of an agency or organization. The attacker penetrates the system, maintains presence, expands the scope of intrusion, and controls the organization's information technology infrastructure, paralyzes the system, and forces the victim organizations to perform the extortion that the attacker is aiming for.
Faced with this situation, the Department of Information Security has developed a handbook on some measures to prevent and minimize risks from ransomware attacks for agencies, organizations and businesses, aiming to ensure national cyberspace security. The handbook on preventing and minimizing risks from ransomware attacks will be a useful document to help agencies, organizations and businesses proactively prevent and protect their important information systems from potential cyberattack risks.
The handbook for preventing and minimizing risks from ransomware attacks is available at:; or see details here: CUC ATTT - CAM NANG RANSOMWARE.pdf
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