King Abdullah II has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh and his cabinet. According to Jordan's constitution, the government usually resigns after parliamentary elections, AFP reported on September 15.
According to the results of the parliamentary elections announced on September 10, the Islamic Action Front (IAF) party led but did not have a majority, winning 31 out of 138 seats. This will also be the parliament with the largest number of Muslims since 1989.
Mr. Jafar Hassan (left) sits with Jordanian Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh at the event in March.
Mr. Khasawneh has led the Jordanian government since October 2020. His successor, recently chosen by King Abdullah II, is Mr. Jafar Hassan, currently the King of Jordan's chief of staff.
Prime Minister Khasawneh's government will continue to function as an interim government until a new cabinet is formed, according to a statement from the Jordanian royal family. The Jordanian king has the power to appoint the prime minister and dissolve parliament, while parliament can pass a vote of no confidence to force the cabinet to resign.
According to Reuters, Mr. Hassan, who studied at Harvard University (USA) and is a respected technocrat, his new government will face challenges in minimizing the impact of the conflict in Gaza on the country's economy, which has been severely affected by investment restrictions and a sharp decline in tourism, while tourism accounts for 14% of gross domestic product (GDP).
Khasawneh’s tenure has sought to push through reforms introduced by King Abdullah II to reverse decades of economic stagnation, with growth hovering around 2 percent, made more difficult by the Covid-19 pandemic and conflicts with neighboring Iraq and Syria.
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