Over the past years, the Party Committees and authorities of Quang Ninh have always paid attention to and devoted many resources to investing and supporting ethnic minority and mountainous areas, in order to help people have more conditions to develop production, increase income, and improve their material and spiritual life.
To concretize the State's policy on ethnic affairs, Quang Ninh province has directed the integration of 3 national target programs in rural areas, ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, border areas, and islands and has approved the overall project associated with the implementation of Resolution 06-NQ/TU on sustainable socio-economic development associated with ensuring solid national defense and security in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, border areas, and islands of Quang Ninh province for the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030.
This is a major, comprehensive policy for sustainable development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in all fields, implementing ethnic work in a drastic and creative manner. Through this, it contributes to creating a comprehensive strength of resources in management and operation, especially dedicating the largest resources to promote comprehensive development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas.
From 2021 to present, Quang Ninh has mobilized and allocated over 19,000 billion VND of state budget capital to implement the overall program of sustainable socio-economic development associated with ensuring solid national defense and security in communes, villages, and hamlets in ethnic minority, mountainous, border, and island areas.
Adhering closely to the guidelines and policies of the Central Government and the province to promote the development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas, the Party Committee and the district-level government always strive to innovate and be creative in leading, directing and organizing the implementation of ethnic policies. At the same time, promote all resources, exploit potentials and advantages for sustainable socio-economic development of ethnic minority areas; ensure national defense and security; preserve and promote the fine cultural identities of ethnic groups. In particular, prioritize investment resources to develop infrastructure for transport, health, education, electricity, clean water; promote production development, increase income for people in ethnic minority and mountainous areas...

Head of the Ethnic Committee of Binh Lieu District Party Committee Nguyen Thi Vinh said: To concretize the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State on ethnic policies, the district has issued resolutions, plans and projects for implementation in accordance with the practical situation of the locality. In the period of 2019-2023, the district has focused on directing the implementation of economic development programs and projects for economic and social development in ethnic minority, mountainous and border areas; many policies have been implemented such as supporting residential land, production land, domestic water, supporting production development, training, vocational training, job creation and infrastructure investment. With a total capital to implement the National Target Programs for the period of 2021-2024 of VND 834,052 billion, the district has invested in and repaired over 100 projects, traffic works, irrigation, schools, cultural houses... the total preferential loan capital of the Program is VND 51 billion for 583 loans. Therefore, the poverty reduction rate in the district has exceeded the planned target. In the period 2021-2023, according to the Central multidimensional poverty criteria, in 2021, from 413 poor households to 5.37%; by the end of 2023, the district will have no more poor households.
With the participation of all levels, sectors and localities from the province to the grassroots, ethnic policies have been implemented promptly, creatively and effectively. Many dynamic transport projects, connecting economic dynamic areas with disadvantaged areas and border gates have been implemented; transport infrastructure in communes, villages and hamlets in ethnic minority and mountainous areas has also been invested and completed. Currently, ethnic minority areas have 61,410 households using the national grid, maintaining 100% of households in the area using safe electricity and improving electricity quality. By the end of 2023, 99.9% of ethnic minority households will have access to hygienic water for daily life, of which 67.17% will have access to clean water meeting QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT for daily life.

Quang Ninh province has completed the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction for the period 2021-2025 3 years ahead of schedule; raising the province's poverty line 1.4 times higher than the Central poverty line. To date, the whole province no longer has poor households according to the Central poverty line. According to the province's poverty line, there are currently 246 poor households, of which 171 are poor ethnic minority households; 3,063 near-poor households, of which 1,638 are near-poor ethnic minority households.
With the efforts of the government and people of all ethnic groups, the average income per capita in communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas by the end of 2023 in 67 communes and towns in ethnic minority, mountainous, border and island areas of the province will reach 73.3 million VND/year (an increase of 29.6 million VND/person compared to 2020). Priority education policies for ethnic minority students in the province have increasingly met the learning needs of children of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority and mountainous areas. Currently, over 90% of ethnic minorities aged 35 and under have graduated from junior high school; over 60% have graduated from high school, continuing education...
Head of the Provincial Ethnic Committee Luc Thanh Chung affirmed: Ethnic programs and policies have been effectively implemented by all levels, sectors and localities in the province, targeting the right subjects, contributing to promoting socio-economic development, creating a change in the face of rural mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas. The economic structure has shifted in a more positive and sustainable direction; technical infrastructure has been built synchronously; average income per capita in ethnic minority communes has increased significantly; the poverty rate has decreased rapidly and sustainably; traditional cultural values have been preserved and promoted; the quality of healthcare, education and people's quality of life have been constantly improved.
These positive results not only contribute to shortening the gap between mountainous and lowland areas, but also increase the trust of ethnic minorities in the leadership of the Party and State; creating motivation for people to unite and strive to build prosperous and happy villages.
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