Yen Bai - Building and developing Vietnamese culture is closely related to the task of consolidating and promoting the revolutionary tradition and core values of "Uncle Ho's Army". Over many years of formation and development, these values have become the guiding principles for cadres and soldiers in the process of building and defending the Fatherland. In the new situation, preserving, promoting and spreading these values is not only an objective responsibility but also an honor and pride of the military force.
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In the context of building an advanced Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity and becoming an endogenous force for national development, the cultural value of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" is always considered a shining example of morality, ideology and revolutionary style of cadres and soldiers.
This revolutionary tradition is not only a historical lesson, but also a strong source of inspiration for patriotism and sacrifice for the Fatherland, helping cadres and soldiers to train their political qualities and be loyal to the Party, the people and the Fatherland. In the process of building and defending the Fatherland, this precious heritage has been integrated and promoted through each period, contributing to creating pride and motivation for the entire armed forces system.
In practice, from studying, propagating to organizing emulation movements and mobilizing learning, all cadres and soldiers have been directed to deeply understand the importance of the value of "Uncle Ho's soldiers". Activities such as: "Cadres doing good mass mobilization work", "Good Party cell secretary", "Good team leader" competitions have created many pioneering examples, spreading the spirit of patriotism, creativity and internal cohesion. Thereby, not only strengthening the working environment and cultural life of cadres and soldiers, but also contributing to building military collectives that are always imbued with comradeship, high sense of discipline and firm belief in the revolutionary tradition of the nation.
In the context of implementing the Party's resolutions as well as the directions of the Politburo and the Central Military Commission, the task of building and promoting the value of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" has become a high-level political requirement. This requires strong leadership from Party committees, political commissars and key cadres in agencies and units.
Proposed solutions to strengthen the leadership role, innovate propaganda and education content, and closely combine emulation movements with studying revolutionary ideology have been implemented synchronously.
Along with that, the building of a healthy cultural environment, effectively preventing and combating negative impacts from the market mechanism and bad factors in society have been focused on; thereby, helping to improve the quality of work and create a combined strength for the military force.
At the same time, the fight against wrong, hostile views, and distortions of the value of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" on cyberspace and within the organization has been carried out vigorously, closely coordinating with agencies, departments and organizations to promptly detect and rectify units that have not met the requirements. The harmonious combination of "building" and "fighting" work has helped create cultural military groups, closely connecting individuals with the collective, affirming national pride, and strengthening the revolutionary qualities of soldiers.
The cultural value of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" is not only a precious legacy of the revolution, but also a spiritual foundation that helps cadres and soldiers train themselves and develop comprehensively. In the context of fluctuations in the market mechanism and negative external impacts that can threaten revolutionary ideology, the task of preserving, promoting and spreading that value becomes even more urgent.
Strengthening leadership, innovating propaganda work, combining emulation movements with studying revolutionary ideology, building a healthy cultural environment and fighting against wrong views will contribute to enhancing the overall strength of the military force; at the same time, creating a strong spread throughout society.
Thereby, the cultural value of "Uncle Ho's Soldiers" continues to be a great driving force for the country's development, affirming national pride and building a strong, rich in identity and integrated Vietnam in the new era.
Mr. Dung
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