Potatoes, when processed properly and with minimal oil, will create resistant starch, which is effective for weight loss, helps you feel full longer, and improves digestion.
Underripe bananas contain resistant starch, which helps with weight loss. (Source: Shutterstock) |
Experts say that potatoes will become bad starch if you cook them by frying them in oil or spreading them with butter, adding cream, etc. On the contrary, when you consume potatoes in a minimally processed form such as steaming or boiling, this food can provide the body with healthy starch.
"A medium potato contains just 110 calories, no fat, and keeps you satisfied thanks to its water content and 5g of fiber if eaten with the skin," say The Nutrition Twins .
You will get weight loss benefits if you eat baked potatoes after they have cooled because at this time they will contain resistant starch, which is effective for weight loss.
Resistant starch acts as a prebiotic that feeds the probiotics in your gut, helping to support improved microbiome health, contributing to improved digestive health."
One ear of corn contains only about 100 calories, with 3 grams of fiber, helping to keep you full for a long time, effectively limiting cravings. Research also shows that eating corn regularly can reduce the risk of developing chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.
"Just pay attention to the amount of butter you add to the corn because that's the reason why the calories of this dish double compared to normal," experts recommend preparing corn in a minimalist way, limiting the addition of butter, sugar...
Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which blocks the absorption of carbs and may improve insulin sensitivity, which can help with weight loss. "They're a great source of fiber that keeps you full for longer and is low in calories," say The Nutrition Twins .
"The nutrients in beets aid your body in detoxification, help boost exercise performance, and fight disease.
A 2-inch beetroot contains just 35 calories, 2.5 grams of fiber, and is high in water, which helps keep you full longer, so you eat less high-calorie foods.
Beets are also a good source of nitrates, which help reduce inflammation by helping remove harmful compounds from the blood," The Nutrition Twins point out why you should add beets to your weight loss menu.
Whole grain bread
White bread is not recommended for weight loss, but whole wheat or whole grain bread is an ideal choice.
This type of bread has a high fiber content as well as many nutrients, helping you eat less but feel full longer, limiting cravings for starch when dieting.
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