No matter the pros and cons
Comrade Le Van Bang, Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, is one of the first three cadres under the management of the Provincial Party Committee's Standing Committee to apply for early retirement. Sharing with us, Comrade Bang said that he had never tried to calculate how much support he would receive if he retired early. He confided that along with the desire to facilitate the common work and give opportunities to younger cadres, he himself also felt that retiring at the age of 60 was the right time, without any consideration of pros and cons.
Currently a Central reporter, regularly participating in communicating and implementing resolutions in units and localities, the Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department said that after retirement, he will continue to be a "propagandist" in his place of residence. He is also always ready to contribute, exchange, and share his own experiences and knowledge about propaganda work when units, localities, social organizations, and unions in the province request cooperation.
Along with comrade Le Van Bang, comrade Nguyen Manh Thang, Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, and comrade Tran Thi Thanh Thao, Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department, also submitted applications for early retirement. The voluntary actions of these comrades have contributed to facilitating the province's organizational and personnel work when the activities of the Provincial Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc ended and the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department and the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Department were merged into the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Department.
From his personal feelings and thoughts, Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department Nguyen Manh Thang also composed the song Early Retirement to express the positive, optimistic spirit of officials who voluntarily retire early for the common good. The song has been listened to thousands of times so far, contributing to inspiring officials and civil servants to agree to implement the policy of streamlining the apparatus.
Creating opportunities for young staff
Recently, comrade Nguyen Van Thai, Head of the Economic Department of Chi Linh City, voluntarily wrote a letter of application for early retirement. Comrade Thai was born in 1967, according to regulations, he still has 4 years to reach retirement age.
According to the policy of the Central and the province, after merging the Economic Department with the Chi Linh Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the new department will have a total of 13 civil servants. Currently, the civil servants of the two departments are young, mainly cadres of the 8X generation. "I hope that my early retirement will create favorable conditions for streamlining the apparatus, especially creating opportunities for young and dynamic cadres to contribute," comrade Thai shared.
Comrade Nguyen Ho Ngoc, Head of the Chi Linh City Party Committee's Organization Board, said that up to now, the city has received 6 applications from cadres in specialized departments and communes for early retirement, including 3 comrades at the head level, under the management of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee. The exemplary spirit of cadres and party members plays an important role in implementing the arrangement and streamlining of the apparatus, contributing to strengthening the trust of cadres, party members and people in the major policies of the Party and State.
Although he still has more than one working term to reach the retirement age according to regulations, comrade Tran Minh Thai, born in 1969, Head of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Binh Giang district, has voluntarily written a request for early retirement. Having held many positions as the head of agencies and units such as Principal of Vu Huu Secondary School, Head of the Department of Education and Training, Head of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Binh Giang district, comrade Thai has always excellently completed and fulfilled the assigned tasks. One of the reasons comrade Thai asked for early retirement is to create favorable conditions for the younger generation to have the opportunity to contribute their intelligence for the development of the locality.
“After the merger, consolidation, and restructuring, the job positions of many officials and civil servants will be affected. That is inevitable because every revolution goes through difficult stages ahead. However, if each individual is brave and happy to sacrifice his or her own interests for the benefit of the collective, the locality and the country will develop more and more,” said comrade Thai.
Hai Duong province is soliciting public opinions on support policies for cadres, civil servants, and public employees who retire early and resign in the implementation of organizational restructuring in the province. In the province, there have been and still are many cadres and civil servants who wish to retire early to facilitate the restructuring and streamlining of the apparatus. Recently, 5 department heads and 1 deputy department head of the provincial police have also voluntarily retired early. The cadres all expressed their agreement and high consensus for the common good.
Speaking about this issue, at the conference announcing decisions on restructuring the apparatus and personnel work on February 7, Provincial Party Secretary Tran Duc Thang said that at this time, voluntary early retirement is contributing to the success of the province's apparatus streamlining revolution.
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