British Council, UK announces STEM scholarship programmes for female students from East Asia, Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste.
Today, February 19, the British Council announced STEM scholarships for women studying at prestigious universities in the UK, including UK and British Council scholarships. Among them are scholarships specifically for female students from countries in the Southeast Asia or East Asia region.
Despite outperforming boys in math and science in elementary and secondary school, women are underrepresented in STEM fields.
The UK scholarships under the ASEAN-UK Girls’ Education Advancement (ASEAN-UK SAGE) programme are expected to be awarded to 11 outstanding female students from across the 10 ASEAN member states and Timor-Leste to pursue master’s degrees at two leading UK universities: the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester.
The British Council Women in STEM Scholarship has been running for five years. This year, the British Council will award 25 scholarships to outstanding women from East Asian countries to study a master’s degree in STEM at leading universities in the UK.
The conditions to receive both scholarship programs include many criteria such as being able to study in English, being passionate about the field of study you are pursuing, having citizenship in the priority country and not having dual British citizenship, and returning to serve in the priority country after studying...
The ASEAN-UK SAGE scholarship was launched last year, with two Vietnamese female students receiving it. The British Council scholarship was launched in 2021, with three Vietnamese female students receiving it last year.
Both scholarships cover tuition fees, living allowance, travel costs, visa and health insurance. The British Council scholarship also includes English language support (IELTS), IELTS registration fees will only be refunded to successful candidates.
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