The patient first sought medical attention after experiencing loss of vision in her right eye and occasional flashes of light in her left eye for approximately 20 days. She was 32 years old and otherwise healthy, with no other symptoms and no history of smoking.
During her first eye exam at the hospital, doctors determined that her eyes looked healthy. There was no pain or redness, and there were no noticeable abnormalities in the vital structures of the eye.
A woman's sudden blindness in one eye turned out to be the first symptom of lung cancer
However, upon closer examination, doctors discovered a large yellow-white mass growing behind the patient's right eye.
Fluid also built up under the retina, causing it to detach. There was a similar, smaller injury in her left eye, but the retina remained intact.
To determine the cause of these masses, doctors ran blood tests. They found no signs of a viral infection or blood disorder, as the patient's red blood cell and immune cell counts were normal. The patient did not have HIV or an autoimmune disease, two conditions that can cause vision loss and changes in vision.
Finally, chest and full-body X-rays revealed the culprit — a mass of cancerous tissue growing in the lower part of her right lung, according to Live Science.
This tumor has spread to many other organs, including the uvea. Most of the time when cancer spreads to the eye, the cancer that has moved will attach itself to the uvea.
However, this is rare in lung cancers, which only travel to the eye in about 0.1 - 7% of cases.
Chest and full body X-rays revealed lung cancer as the culprit.
It is even rarer for a patient to have vision loss as the first sign of lung cancer. To date, only about 60 such cases have been described in the medical literature.
This woman's case is even more unusual because she did not smoke - the cause of the majority of lung cancer cases.
Doctors believe this patient's case may be the first example of a non-smoking woman at a very young age experiencing vision loss as the first symptom of lung cancer.
Doctors wrote in a report on her case, published April 17 in the journal Radiology Case Report.
After the cancer was detected, the patient was referred to an oncologist for treatment.
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