Early morning of June 11, Mr. Tran Van Thuan's family (house opposite the Ea Ktur Commune People's Committee) was sleeping when suddenly loud explosions occurred. Mr. Thuan woke up and looked over to the Ea Ktur Commune People's Committee and saw many people destroying and burning many documents...
Mr. Thuan locked the door to prevent his wife and children from going out, then hid behind the gate post of his house to observe. He said that there were dozens of people holding guns and knives shooting and setting fire to the commune committee office. A moment later, these people left the scene.
After the subjects left, Mr. Thuan discovered a man crawling from the commune People's Committee headquarters to the gate, weakly asking for help, then collapsed and fainted on the spot, his body covered in blood.
Mr. Thuan immediately ran back and recognized Captain Le Kien Cuong, an officer of the Ea Ktur Commune Police, so he ran into the house, drove the family car and took Captain Cuong to the emergency room.
However, when the car had gone about 200m, Mr. Thuan discovered a group of people who looked like the ones who attacked the Ea Ktur Commune People's Committee headquarters. This group of people lined up to block the road and aimed guns straight at him with a very aggressive attitude.
Mr. Thuan quickly drove back to avoid the group of people chasing him and then decided to turn onto a dirt road to take Captain Cuong to the emergency room.
When he entered the dirt road for a while, Mr. Thuan's car broke down in the middle of the road. Mr. Thuan called the Chief of Ea Ktur Commune Police to drive a car to pick up Captain Cuong and take him to Cu Kuin District Hospital for emergency treatment. Mr. Thuan left his car at the scene.
After first aid at Cu Kuin District Hospital, Captain Le Kien Cuong was transferred to the Central Highlands General Hospital for care and treatment.
Thanks to the timely help of Mr. Tran Van Thuan and the efforts of the doctors, Captain Le Kien Cuong, who was shot in the chest by the subjects, was saved and his health gradually stabilized.
Regarding the attack on the Ea Ktur and Ea Tieu commune headquarters, as of June 16, the police force has arrested more than 60 subjects. Currently, the police are mobilizing related subjects to surrender and summoning some related people for questioning.
The police seized 4 military guns, 4 homemade guns, 2 grenades, 192 bullets of various types, 30 knives, 9 slingshots, 21 cell phones, many memory cards of various types (including 4 cell phones that they buried underground, 1 burned) and many other documents.
These evidences show that this is an organized criminal group, discussed and assigned specific tasks with many reckless, barbaric, and cruel acts.
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