GĐXH - In the Tet holiday meal, the first "enemy" of people with high blood pressure is fat from meat and poultry skin. In addition, sweet dishes, banh chung, and salty foods are also dangerous for people with high blood pressure.
Tet is the time when families often gather together to eat and drink together with a menu of dishes containing a lot of fat, salt, and sugar such as: Chung cake, Tet cake, pickled onions, meat jelly, bamboo shoot soup, head cheese... and drinks containing stimulants: beer, wine, soft drinks...
For normal people, eating and drinking during Tet holiday may not affect their health much. But for people with high blood pressure, if these foods and drinks are not properly measured, they will greatly affect blood pressure control and increase the risk of stroke.
People with high blood pressure should pay attention to the following when celebrating Tet:
Maintain healthy eating
People with high blood pressure should limit foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol, and foods prepared with a lot of salt. The recommended total salt intake for people with high blood pressure is less than 1,500 mg per day (about 3/4 teaspoon of salt).
Special Tet dishes such as banh chung, banh tet, gio cha, jam, pickled onions, sweet cakes and candies... can cause high blood pressure. Therefore, you should prioritize green vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish, fruits, and low-fat milk. Adding potassium from bananas, avocados, watermelon, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin helps reduce the impact of sodium on blood pressure and lower blood pressure index.
Limit alcohol
Drinking a lot of alcohol makes blood pressure higher. People with high blood pressure should not drink alcohol. If they do drink, they should only drink in moderation, equivalent to 360 ml of beer or 150 ml of wine, or 30 ml of spirits.
You should drink filtered water, green tea, low-sugar juice, low-fat milk. People at risk of high blood pressure should limit their use of coffee, carbonated soft drinks...
Stress Control
When stressed, the body releases hormones that increase blood pressure. Keeping your mind happy and relaxed can also help prevent high blood pressure. When stressed, you should sit down, rest, and breathe deeply to calm down.
Blood pressure monitoring
People with risk factors for high blood pressure or a history of the disease should have a blood pressure monitor at home to conveniently monitor their health.
Take medication regularly
People with high blood pressure should follow the treatment regimen prescribed by their doctor and not stop taking their medication on their own when their blood pressure is stable, especially if the doctor has not instructed them to stop. Stopping medication on your own can increase the risk of complications.
Increase physical activity
Staying physically active is good for your health and helps connect people during the first days of the new year. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 30 minutes per day.
People with high blood pressure should practice appropriate sports, with priority given to light walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, meditation, yoga... Regular physical activity will help blood circulation and stabilize blood pressure.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-benh-cao-huyet-ap-an-tet-can-biet-dieu-nay-de-bao-ve-suc-khoe-172250125084807457.htm
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