After 4 days of the incident, with the involvement of the Department of Fisheries - Fisheries Control and border guards in 2 localities in Nghe An and Thanh Hoa to propagate and mobilize, on the morning of May 17, the owner of the fishing boat with license plate TH-91674-TS, Mr. Hoang Van M. (born in 1992), in Quang Nham commune, Quang Xuong district (Thanh Hoa) went to Cua Lo Border Guard Station to work with the interdisciplinary delegation of Nghe An province.
Here, the inspection team members reiterated the violations of the fishing boat owners, thereby continuing to propagate and remind the attitude and awareness of law compliance of the boat owners towards the captain, Mr. Hoang Van M. in particular, and fishermen in general in the field of aquatic resources protection; new requirements of the Government in protecting aquatic resources and combating IUU fishing on sea routes and sea areas.
Previously, during the inspection at sea, the Nghe An interdisciplinary delegation discovered that this fishing vessel had some signs of violating regulations on fishing exploitation according to Decree 42/2019/ND-CP, so they conducted an administrative procedure inspection and invited the ship owner and captain to the delegation's ship for work.
Based on the inspection of the documents presented by the ship owner, the delegation analyzed and clarified a number of violations and shortcomings, but the ship owner did not cooperate, did not sign the minutes, left behind a number of documents related to the fishing vessel, jumped into the sea and swam to his own ship.
When the authorities requested to tow the ship back to Cua Lo Port for processing, the ship owner used the excuse that the ship had stalled to avoid bringing the ship back to shore. In response to this incident, the interdisciplinary team reported to their superiors for advice; at the same time, they planned to complete the case file to transfer to the authorities of Thanh Hoa province for processing.
On the morning of May 17, after persuasion and persuasion, the fishing boat owner admitted that his uncooperative behavior was wrong and that he reacted rashly due to his poor awareness. He has now realized and voluntarily complied with the penalties; at the same time, he committed to strictly comply with regulations and procedures when fishing. Based on Decree 42/2019/ND-CP, the working group drew up a record for the Command of Cua Lo Border Guard Station to issue a decision to sanction 3 violations, with a total fine of 16.5 million VND./.
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