Speaking with Giao Thong Newspaper, Mr. Pham Van Loan, Captain of the Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway Maintenance Team, said that since yesterday evening (September 19), the flood water at Km 191+400 of the Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway has completely receded.
The management unit of the Phap Van - Cau Gie expressway is implementing the construction of a flood barrier system.
According to Mr. Loan, immediately after the water receded, the work of checking the road surface structure was urgently carried out.
"The survey showed that after a long period of being submerged in water, the highway's road surface only had a few small potholes. The operating unit has completely fixed this situation.
With our responsibility, we will continue to monitor, evaluate, and ensure smooth road surfaces for safe traffic," said Mr. Loan.
According to the representative of the management and operation unit, in order to prevent similar flooding of the highway during storms, a 0.85m high, 400m long water barrier system has been built right at the recent flooded location.
"In this section, the retaining wall is built by concrete blocks joined together. A system to block water from outside into the highway (using canvas and sandbags) has also been set up.
With the support of the regional pumping station system, preventing flooding on the highway will be guaranteed," Mr. Loan informed.
Previously, affected by the flood after storm No. 3, from the morning of September 10, the water in the downstream area rose, causing flooding at Km 191+400 on the Phap Van - Cau Gie highway. At peak time, the water level measured at the deepest point was about 0.8m, and the lowest point was about 0.15m.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/lam-tuong-chan-ngan-ngap-nuoc-tren-cao-toc-phap-van-cau-gie-192240920172722403.htm
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