Many opinions say that with the high school graduation exam plan from 2025, innovation in teaching in subjects that are not required for exams is even more important. How to make students enjoy studying and see that subject as necessary for life, opening up more opportunities to choose their future career rather than studying to get points for exams. Schools need to be serious in teaching, testing, and evaluating students in all subjects, not just focusing on a few exam subjects.
With the high school graduation exam plan from 2025, innovation in teaching, especially subjects that are not required for exams, is very important.
Ms. Nguyen Boi Quynh, Principal of Viet Duc High School (Hanoi), said that the key point of the exam in line with the new curriculum is to focus on innovating the way of making exam questions. Because with the way of testing as in previous years, the situation of students being under pressure and studying to cope with exams will still exist. Therefore, schools are looking forward to the Ministry of Education and Training announcing the illustration of the new exam format to have a clear direction in innovating teaching as well as testing and assessment at school.
Mr. Dam Tien Nam, Principal of Nguyen Binh Khiem Secondary and High School (Hanoi), expressed his opinion: the number of compulsory subjects and the number of elective subjects does not affect teaching much, but how the test is designed to properly assess the learner's ability will have an important impact on learning. Taking the example of history, Mr. Nam proposed: "Regardless of whether or not there is a high school graduation exam, the way questions are created and assessed for this subject must be changed."
Ms. Nguyen Phuong Lan, Principal of Luc Nam High School (Bac Giang), also said that there is no need to worry too much about the impact of fewer subjects on comprehensive education because students are now more interested in university admissions. The trend of universities organizing separate admissions using competency and thinking assessment tests is increasing, so students who want to have more opportunities for admission must have comprehensive knowledge and abilities and will be equally interested in all subjects, so there is no need to worry about lopsided learning.
Mr. Nguyen Van Minh, Principal of Muong Chieng High School (Hoa Binh), also said that the fewer subjects there are to be tested, the more strictly we must control regular testing and assessment, and periodic assessment at school to maintain the quality of teaching and learning. Teachers are required to focus more on process assessment to record students' progress. Periodic tests are organized for the whole school. Subjects must submit a specific test matrix one week in advance to the professional board. After approval, teachers create test questions and cross-mark between classes to ensure fairness. After each periodic test, the school will discuss directly with teachers to adjust teaching accordingly.
Sharing with Thanh Nien reporter, Professor Do Duc Thai, Hanoi National University of Education, said that educational assessment, including the examination method and recognition of high school graduation, is the final step in the entire process of implementing the general education program. It is responsible for implementing the goals of general education, implementing the requirements for students' qualities and abilities.
Mr. TRAN MANH TUNG, Director of a cultural training center in Hanoi
That means that educational assessment must follow the principle of "what you learn is what you test". It is impossible to let educational assessment regulate and control educational goals, that is, it is impossible to let the situation of "what you test is what you learn". For each subject in the 2018 General Education Program, it is necessary to build trust among students and parents about the value that the knowledge of that subject brings to the student's future life; thereby motivating and attracting students to the subject. To achieve that, we must innovate the content and teaching methods of each subject. We cannot use administrative measures: forcing exams on some subjects to force students to study that subject.
Mr. Tran Manh Tung, Director of a cultural training center in Hanoi, also said that an important issue that needs attention now is changing the concept of learning and taking exams. "For a long time, we have mainly focused on "learning for exams", "learning what you take for exams". To gradually change the concept of learning what you take for exams, first, we need to gradually change the assessment method in schools, build a test bank so that students do not need to memorize or practice for exams; thereby changing the way of teaching and learning", Mr. Tung suggested.
Next, it is necessary to change the perception of learners and society about the purpose of learning: learning to understand, learning to do, to apply, learning for oneself. This is a positive concept, learning to progress, not just to pass an exam, after which one will not remember anything. If we can do that, all subjects are important, learning does not depend on whether a subject is tested or not.
Mr. Thai Van Thanh, Director of the Nghe An Department of Education and Training, hopes that in the future, the Ministry of Education and Training will establish testing centers to assess capacity in localities, so that candidates can take the test at different times of the year, and can even choose to take the test multiple times. In this way, students will be assessed for their capacity in all subjects.
When considering graduation, students must have academic results of the subjects.
After the Ministry of Education and Training decided to take 4 subjects in the high school graduation exam from 2025 and affirmed that students who want to take more than this number are not allowed by the regulations, some opinions said that this would reduce the opportunity for students to apply for university with many combinations. However, many experts supported the idea because this is only a high school graduation exam, so any regulations should only aim at that goal.
Teacher Nguyen Xuan Khang, Chairman of the Council of Marie Curie School (Hanoi), expressed his opinion: it is not necessary to "wrap" the purpose of "university admission" in the high school graduation exam. The pressure of the high school graduation exam will be greatly reduced if there is only the main purpose of the exam, without any other purpose. The second reason, according to Mr. Khang, is that universities have the right to autonomously enroll students, and there are many enrollment methods suitable for each school and each industry.
Sharing the same view, Mr. Tran Manh Tung said that it is necessary to soon separate the high school graduation exam and university and college admissions. From 2025, the high school graduation exam should play its proper role, which is to consider graduation.
Professor Do Duc Thai also said that the high school graduation exam (if any) only plays the role of providing data for vocational education and university education admissions, not playing a direct role in admissions for universities and colleges. The Ministry of Education and Training should encourage universities and colleges to be completely autonomous in admissions with different admission methods suitable for each school... Thus, the method of examination and recognition of high school graduation must directly contribute to the successful implementation of the instructions of Resolution 29 on career orientation for high school students "in order to best promote the potential of each student".
Graduation must have academic results of all subjects.
Although the high school graduation exam plan has 4 subjects, educational institutions must fully implement the learning volume of each subject as prescribed in Circular 32/2018-TT-BGD-DT, amended by Circular 13/2022-TT-BGD-DT. Along with that, the graduation consideration requires the learning results of all subjects through process assessment.
Mr. Huynh Van Chuong , Director of Department of Quality Management, Ministry of Education and Training
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