Professor Nguyen Ngoc Ha ( photo ) said: The high school graduation exam from 2025 has some important points as follows: First, the exam has a new question format: true/false multiple choice questions and short answer multiple choice questions. Second, this is the first year the exam is organized according to the 2018 General Education Program instead of the 2006 Program, so the requirements for testing and evaluating learners' abilities are put first.
The Ministry of Education and Training advocates that the construction of exam questions will promote the intelligence of the whole industry and be open. So how is "openness" understood here in the issue of building an exam question bank, and will this affect the security of exam questions, sir?
If in the past, the construction of exam questions from start to finish was an absolute secret and done by certain individuals, now it is in the spirit of promoting the strength of the entire industry.
Specifically, good questions and good tests used by localities and with test results will be selected to be included in the test question library. With this method, teachers and students can completely research and refer to test questions in different localities. That is openness. However, from the question library to the test, additional steps must be performed that have a standard process as has been done for many years, ensuring absolute confidentiality of the test.
Not only serving the graduation exam, schools and localities, during the process of conducting tests, assessments and surveys, will have good questions sent to the Ministry of Education and Training. The Ministry will have a department to evaluate the quality of questions using testing theory. The evaluation results will indicate the good and bad points of the questions, and will be sent back to the Departments of Education and Training for appropriate adjustments to improve the quality of periodic and regular test and assessment questions at the grassroots level.
According to the Ministry of Education and Training, the content of the high school graduation exam from 2025 will closely follow the requirements of the program, not the textbooks.
With the desire to promote the intelligence of the whole industry in building a question bank, how will the Ministry of Education and Training train teachers in the stages of test creation and assessment?
The Ministry of Education and Training always considers the task of training teachers to be extremely important. In preparation for the 2025 high school graduation exam, since 2023, the Ministry has deployed training on testing for more than 3,000 officials and teachers of the Departments of Education and Training and universities. In the near future, the Ministry will continue to have focused training sessions on compiling exam questions according to the new structure orientation.
However, the 12th grade program has not yet been implemented, so schools do not have a system of questions for the Ministry to collect. So, will the first year of testing using the new question format be in time to have an open question bank as you shared?
We have taken this situation into account. In fact, when developing the exam questions, we have many ways. One solution that is considered is to use a team of experts. The Ministry will invite experts who are both knowledgeable about the new 2018 General Education Program and have teaching experience, such as program compilers, textbook compilers, participants in the textbook review council, especially teachers who participate in training teachers of the new program... to propose exam questions.
Thus, although new textbooks have not been disseminated and there are no 12th grade students studying the new curriculum, we can completely take the initiative to draft questions to build a question bank for the 12th grade exam right now.
The 2025 high school graduation exam will officially apply to 11th grade students this school year.
One of the changes in the exam format from 2025 that the Ministry of Education and Training confirmed is that it will reduce the probability of getting points from "randomly choosing" answers. Can you explain more specifically about this change?
With the new exam format, the questions for multiple-choice exams are divided into 3 parts, of which part 1 includes multiple-choice questions, with 4 options to choose one correct answer, each correct answer the candidate gets 0.25 points.
Part 2 consists of multiple choice questions in true/false format. Each question has 4 options, for each option the candidate chooses true or false. Candidates choosing one option correctly in a question will get 0.1 point; two options correctly in a question will get 0.25 points; three options correctly in a question will get 0.5 points; all four options correctly in a question will get 1 point.
Part 3 consists of multiple choice questions with short answers. Candidates fill in the boxes corresponding to their answers. For math, in part 3, each correct answer is worth 0.5 points. For other subjects, in this part, each correct answer is worth 0.25 points.
The 2024 high school graduation exam will focus on practice to assess students' abilities.
With the new exam format structure, the probability of getting a randomly selected score is reduced from 2.5 points to 1.975 points for math, and to 2.35 points for the remaining multiple-choice subjects.
The 2025 high school graduation exam is the first year of taking the exam according to the 2018 General Education Program, but in reality, students only have 3 years of studying this program, and the remaining 9 years they still study the 2006 Program. So how does the Ministry of Education and Training calculate in the question-making stage to ensure appropriate innovation for the two programs that students study?
We also calculated that and had to ensure the inheritance so that it did not change too much. For example, in the exam structure, there is still a part of the traditional multiple choice question format next to the new multiple choice formats.
The 2018 program has many different books, but each book, when reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Training, must meet the program standards. Therefore, the test content will closely follow the program requirements, not the textbooks. Regardless of the test materials used, the structure, format, or the way of asking questions, all must be based on the requirements for each subject in the new 2018 General Education Program.
Therefore, in the teaching and learning process, teachers should adhere to these requirements, students should study well, study carefully, and study enough according to the knowledge content that teachers have taught in class.
Expected to increase differentiation in the segment with scores above 5
The Ministry of Education and Training recommends that universities use exam results for admission. Universities want the exam questions to be more differentiated to facilitate admission. So, how will the differentiation of the exam questions be calculated and reflected in the exam questions, sir?
One of the three goals of the high school graduation exam is that universities can use the results for admission. For the high school graduation exam from 2025, we have also focused on making the quality of the exam more differentiated, but it is also important to emphasize that more differentiation does not mean the exam will be more difficult. First of all, this is an exam for the purpose of high school graduation, if the difficulty is increased, the graduation rate will decrease.
As planned, the differentiation in the score segment above 5 will be increased to accurately assess which students are excellent and good, who can achieve 9 or 10 points; good students can approach 7 or 8 points.
Differentiation will be based on two factors: The first is technical, specifically the exam format with true/false multiple choice questions, short answer multiple choice questions with different score levels for answers, reducing probability, the same questions but requiring students to have a good, comprehensive knowledge base to be able to achieve the maximum score. Initial test results on 10,000 students have confirmed that.
Second, the questions aim to assess students' abilities and their ability to apply knowledge to solve practical problems, not difficult, puzzling questions. These knowledge are linked to the program and the requirements that need to be met.
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