Firmly committed to the mission of accompanying the nation and serving the people
The General Secretary's article conveys a key message and can also be considered a political commitment: The Party has been and will always be steadfast in its mission of accompanying the nation, serving the people, and consistently choosing the path to socialism.
On the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the Party's founding, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong wrote an article highlighting important milestones in the formation and development of the Communist Party of Vietnam, reviewing the successes in the process of the Party leading the revolution and developing the country, and issues arising in the coming time. The content of the article conveyed to all Vietnamese people a key message and can also be considered a political commitment: The Communist Party of Vietnam has always been and will always be steadfast in its mission of accompanying the nation, serving the people, and consistently choosing the path to socialism. Right from the first days of its founding, the Party has accompanied the Vietnamese people. At the beginning of the article, the General Secretary pointed out the special features related to the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam: The Party "was born as a result of the combination of Marxism-Leninism with the workers' movement and the patriotic movement". Unlike political parties in many countries, which are considered a means to participate in elections to put Party candidates in government positions, the Communist Party of Vietnam was established to respond to "the urgent needs of the nation and the earnest aspirations of the people", first of all to regain national independence. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: Hoang Ha The above characteristics show that, right from the first days of its establishment, the Party has accompanied the Vietnamese people in their aspirations for independence and freedom. After the August Revolution in 1945, despite numerous difficulties, the Party set out the policy of "all-people", "comprehensive", "long-term", "mainly relying on one's own strength" resistance, "promoting the tradition of solidarity and patriotism of the entire nation" to carry out the role of leading the people in the cause of national liberation. After 1954, facing the risk of the country being divided, the Party continued its mission of accompanying the nation, with the determination to unify the country, expressed through the revolutionary motto: "Rather sacrifice everything than lose the country, never become slaves", "nothing is more precious than independence and freedom". Since 1975, facing the risk of the economy and society falling into a comprehensive crisis, the Party has quickly adapted to the new context, resolutely carrying out the renovation process, in which "first of all, it is to innovate the theoretical thinking about socialism, in part in agriculture, industry and gradually form the National Renovation Policy". The results achieved and the country's position after nearly 40 years of renovation have affirmed the correct leadership of the Party. Up to now, the thinking and roadmap for renovation in our country have been clearly recognized. The General Secretary affirmed: It is the process of advancing to socialism, with the guiding value system of "rich people, strong country, democracy, fairness, civilization". For the country to progress to prosperity and power, according to the General Secretary, we will build a market economy in the direction of socialism. For the people to exercise their right to mastery, we establish and gradually perfect the model of a socialist rule-of-law state. To move towards a progressive and humane social community, we attach special importance to social justice and social solidarity. Always respect and protect the people's right to mastery. With such expectations, the General Secretary also recognized that "the transition to socialism is a long-term, extremely difficult and complicated undertaking, because it must create profound qualitative changes in all areas of social life". The General Secretary stated: Socialist society is established on the basis of common interests and social consensus, not personal interests and fierce competition. That is "a society that moves towards progressive and humane values, based on the common interests of the whole society in harmony with the legitimate interests of people, which is qualitatively different from societies that compete to appropriate private interests between individuals and groups, so it is necessary and has the conditions to build social consensus instead of social opposition and antagonism". To ensure the country develops in the direction of socialism, the General Secretary re-emphasized a principle that has been consistently implemented in recent years of renovation: “It is necessary to link the economy with society, unify economic policies with social policies, economic growth goes hand in hand with the implementation of social progress and equality in every step, every policy and throughout the development process”. The country’s development strategy will adhere to the principle for the people: “people hold the central position…people are both the goal and the driving force of the renovation process”. During the transition period to socialism, a very important issue that many people are concerned about is the class nature of the Party as well as the relationship between the Party and the people. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated: “The Party was born, exists and develops for the benefit of the working class, the working people and the entire nation… In the socialist political regime, the relationship between the Party, the State and the people is a relationship between subjects who are unified in goals and interests”. The Party accompanies the nation and serves the people does not mean that the Party is far from its working class nature. According to the General Secretary, “saying so does not mean downplaying the Party’s class nature, but rather expressing a deeper and more complete awareness of the Party’s class nature, because the working class is a class whose interests are unified with the interests of the working people and the entire nation”. The Party accompanies the nation and serves the people. (Illustration photo: QĐND) In order for the people to be both the subject and the target of the country's development process in a socialist direction, the General Secretary reaffirmed the consistent viewpoint of the Communist Party of Vietnam, always respecting and protecting the people's right to mastery: "The people are the center, the subject of the cause of innovation, construction and protection of the Fatherland". Therefore, "all guidelines and policies must truly originate from the lives, aspirations, rights and legitimate interests of the people, taking the happiness and prosperity of the people as the goal to strive for". The Party will continue its mission in the aspiration for national development. Affirming the mission of serving the interests of the majority of people in the 21st century, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reiterated the leadership vision set forth at the 13th Party Congress: By 2045, strive to turn our country into a developed, high-income country. Realizing the goal of becoming a developed country in the next two decades is not an easy task. However, the General Secretary's public affirmation to the entire people conveys a political commitment: The Party will continue its mission for the people, accompanying the nation in its aspirations for national development. Looking back at the 94-year history of formation, development, leadership of the revolution and development of the country, Party members have the right to be justifiably proud of the results achieved. However, facing new tasks in a new context, the General Secretary also noted: "We absolutely must not be subjective, complacent, too enamored with the results and achievements that have been achieved, nor too pessimistic, wavering in the face of difficulties and challenges." To gradually realize the country's development goals by 2030 and 2045, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong pointed out 5 lessons and 5 key tasks, of which personnel work is especially important. According to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we need to “Do better in personnel work to select and arrange the right people who are truly virtuous, talented, honest, and dedicated; truly dedicated to the country and the people into leadership positions in the State apparatus”. Along with that is the need to improve the public authority apparatus, through continuing to “Resolutely fight to eliminate those who fall into corruption and depravity; oppose all manifestations of seeking positions, power, localism, preferential recruitment of unqualified relatives and family members”. It can be said that the speech of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong showed the objectivity of the Communist Party of Vietnam in assessing and evaluating what has been done in the past 94 years, and confidently spread the political commitment “The Party has and will always accompany the nation, serve the people, and steadfastly choose to advance to socialism”./.
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