According to Minister Dang Quoc Khanh, one of the solutions to sustainably develop marine and island resources is to widely apply "anti-plastic pollution" solutions.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dang Quoc Khanh said that since 2018, the United Nations has launched the theme "Solving plastic and nylon pollution" to promote, mobilize, and call on people to change their habits of using disposable plastic products, reduce environmental pollution, and protect human health. Since then, many countries around the world have taken specific actions to reduce and ban the use of some environmentally unfriendly plastic products; increase recycling, reuse, and circulation of plastic waste.
“Once again, “Solutions to plastic pollution” with a focus on the “Beat Plastic Pollution” campaign continues to be chosen as the theme of World Environment Day 2023. This message, together with the theme “Ocean Planet: The Tide is Changing” of World Oceans Day, strongly conveys the message of building a sustainable lifestyle in harmony with nature; emphasizing the role of the ocean, the life of humanity depends on the ocean; humanity needs to join hands to protect the ocean as well as our entire blue planet,” said the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.
Sustainable development of marine economy is one of the major policies of our Party and State with the viewpoint of sustainable development of marine economy on the basis of green growth, conservation of biodiversity, marine ecosystems; ensuring harmony between economic and natural ecosystems, between conservation and development, between the interests of coastal and non-coastal localities.
But like many other countries, Vietnam is facing many challenges when the problem of white pollution is closely related to economic development and social stability. With about 50% of the country's population living in low-lying and coastal areas, Vietnam is considered one of the countries vulnerable and subject to many negative impacts of climate change, environmental pollution, and rising sea levels. That poses many challenges to the implementation of the country's poverty reduction goals, millennium development goals and sustainable development, requiring practical and timely response solutions.
In recent years, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has actively advised the Party and the State to issue many important guidelines and policies on resource management, environmental protection, climate change response and sustainable development of the marine economy. Thereby, it has gradually raised public awareness of the harmful effects of plastic products and single-use plastic bags on the environment, ecosystems and human health; policies and directives of the Prime Minister on limiting the use of single-use plastic products and hard-to-decompose plastic bags. At the same time, encouraging the production of environmentally friendly products to replace traditional plastic products has been implemented synchronously nationwide; many movements to prevent and combat plastic waste have been launched, attracting the participation of a large number of people.
"The marine economy, seas and coastal areas are becoming the driving force for national development. However, environmental protection and management of marine and island resources in Vietnam are still facing many difficulties and challenges. The marine environment shows signs of pollution; natural resources and biodiversity continue to decline; exploitation and use of marine and island resources are still ineffective and unsustainable. People's awareness of resource exploitation and use is still low, and the habit of using disposable plastic products has been and is posing great pressure on environmental management and protection," said Minister Dang Quoc Khanh.
Overview of the launching ceremony.
The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment called on ministries, branches, central agencies, local authorities, organizations, individuals and businesses to take practical actions to solve the problem of plastic waste pollution, contributing to environmental protection, sea and ocean protection; and sustainable exploitation and use of marine and island resources.
In particular, unify in perception and action to behave responsibly towards the sea and ocean according to the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws and international law; overcome and eliminate the mindset of pursuing immediate economic benefits while disregarding the maintenance and protection of the environment, further promote the development of a civilized marine ecological community; consider this as the ethical and cultural standard of each agency, organization, community, enterprise and citizen.
At the same time, prioritize investment, promote basic investigation, scientific and technological research, and develop high-quality marine human resources. Strengthen environmental protection, especially in coastal areas; improve and enhance the quality of the marine environment, minimize resource degradation, sustainably develop marine biodiversity; properly handle sources of marine and ocean pollution from the mainland, and minimize plastic waste...
Make the most of advantages to develop tourism and marine services to make Vietnam an attractive destination in the world; exploit seaports and maritime transport services synchronously and effectively.
Support and encourage businesses and people to invest, produce and use environmentally friendly materials to replace packaging and products that are difficult to decompose. Implement preferential policies, tax exemptions and reductions on environmentally friendly products and materials to replace single-use plastic products, difficult-to-decompose nylon bags and materials that pose a risk of causing environmental pollution.
In particular, continue to expand and strengthen cooperation with countries, partners and international and regional organizations on the basis of respecting the sovereignty, rights and legitimate interests of coastal countries, complying with international law, UNCLOS 1982, ensuring maritime security and safety, contributing to building an environment of peace, stability, cooperation and development.
At the same time, it is necessary to carry out propaganda, education and raise awareness about the sea and islands of the Fatherland, about the awareness of protecting marine resources and environment; turn awareness into self-consciousness and specific, practical actions at each level, each sector, each enterprise and each individual; build a society, awareness, lifestyle, cultural behavior attached to and friendly with the sea; develop cultural institutions for coastal and marine communities; promote national identity, historical and cultural values, good knowledge in dealing with the sea, and build a marine culture.
Press agencies and mass media need to actively promote contents related to limiting the use of plastic bags and plastic waste to the community, discover and praise examples, models, and effective practices in the management, exploitation, and sustainable use of marine and island resources to create a widespread effect and light up the common efforts of the whole society.
“I believe that, with the spirit of openness in international cooperation and solidarity, unity and efforts within the country, we will achieve certain successes in protecting resources and the environment, protecting the sacred sea and islands of the Fatherland. Each citizen, business and organization in society will be an active and enthusiastic nucleus, playing an important role in the process of reducing plastic pollution, protecting the environment, responding to climate change while promoting the potential advantages of the sea, implementing sustainable economic development of the country, creating a premise for Vietnam to move closer to the goal of building a future of “living in harmony with nature” by 2050”, affirmed the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment.
Ms. Ramla Khalidi, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in Vietnam, assessed that Vietnam has a close relationship with the sea, with 28 coastal provinces home to half of the population and contributing about 60% of the country's GDP.
"However, we have been taking away more than we give back. The world's oceans and lands are being affected by climate change, natural disasters, overexploitation of natural resources, unsustainable marine economic activities, biodiversity loss, and ocean plastic waste. By 2050, if no practical action is taken, there could be more plastic than fish in the sea. A healthy ocean and a clean environment are important resources for a blue economic recovery. According to UNDP's 2022 report, by adopting a blue scenario, the GDP of Vietnam's marine economic sectors could increase by more than a third by 2030," Ms. Ramla Khalidi affirmed.
The representative of the United Nations Development Organization in Vietnam recommended that Vietnam should strengthen its efforts to transition towards a sustainable ocean economy by accelerating marine spatial planning. Marine spatial planning is necessary to exploit Vietnam's huge offshore wind power development potential, which, when realized, can contribute to meeting the ambitious energy targets in the Power Plan 8 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 as committed at COP26.
Along with that, Vietnam needs to continue to make continuous efforts to enhance the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities. In particular, all stakeholders from the Government, communities, people, and businesses need to commit and take real action.
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