Currently, the development of collective economy and cooperatives has basically stabilized and is showing signs of positive recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. Most types of collective economy in the province remain stable.
According to the Binh Thuan Cooperative Union, up to now, many cooperatives have made great efforts in innovation in management and operation as well as redefining more suitable and dynamic production and business directions. The internal capacity of cooperatives has also gradually improved, creating jobs and income for members and workers. Agricultural cooperatives have gradually overcome difficulties, changed production methods, focused on agricultural production according to safety standards, and applied scientific and technological advances in cultivation. Product promotion activities, market access and digital transformation have received more attention from cooperatives...
In addition, the People's Credit Funds (PCFs) in the province have made many efforts to rise from their own internal strength, with the right and appropriate direction of operation, so most PCFs are profitable. Currently, the lending structure of PCFs focuses on serving agricultural production, rural development and business and service sectors. The use of capital at PCFs is effective, safe, promptly meeting the capital needs of members to develop production, improve income and life for members and people. The operation of new-style cooperatives contributes to creating goods and services to serve production needs, contributing to promoting household economy to develop production, improve life. In addition, through capital support services, the situation of usury among people has been partly limited, contributing to hunger eradication and poverty reduction. Currently, cooperatives also pay special attention to the principle of "Cooperation and community development". This is a suitable model for implementing democratic regulations, cooperative activities and members' thoughts and aspirations are all reflected and resolved at the members' congress. Cooperatives are also a bridge between the State and farmers in implementing the Party and State's policies and guidelines to the people. In particular, the trend of joint ventures and associations between cooperatives and between cooperatives and enterprises, economic organizations, and scientific and technical sectors is increasing, contributing to improving the operational efficiency of cooperatives...
In general, the production and business activities of cooperatives are now basically stable, as shown by the annual increase in revenue and profit indicators. Cooperatives have created jobs for workers, helping to reduce social evils, maintain security and order, and increase community cohesion in the province. Thanks to that, the income of workers in cooperatives has gradually stabilized, contributing to improving the material and spiritual life of members.
However, it must be recognized that in reality, the internal capacity of cooperatives is still weak, such as small scale, especially newly established cooperatives under the 2012 Cooperative Law with only 7-20 members and low charter capital. The capital contributed by members is mostly nominal capital, mobilizing increased capital contributions from members is very difficult, competitiveness and efficiency are low. Currently, very few cooperatives have access to capital sources because they do not have collateral, their production and business plans are not effective, so they are not strong enough to compete with other economic sectors. There are still some cooperatives that do not operate in accordance with the 2012 Cooperative Law, only exist for formality, do not organize annual congresses, have not widely developed members, operate ineffectively, are at a standstill, and have stopped operating. The rate of effective cooperatives has not yet achieved the plan for the 2021-2025 period. The number of cooperatives producing according to the value chain and applying high technology is not much, the accumulation of land for large-scale production is still limited. The formation of production - processing - consumption - export chains is not much. Most cooperatives only stop at the production stage, very few cooperatives can process and export, the export of the province's key products must mostly go through import-export companies outside the province. The application of information technology and digital transformation is still limited, the construction of QR codes to trace the origin, brand names, growing area codes, and geographical indications for products of cooperatives is not much. The number of cooperatives applying high technology is not much.
Therefore, in the coming time, the collective economy and cooperatives must proactively overcome inherent barriers and obstacles to move forward. Accordingly, there must be a strong change in thinking, awareness and action, with a long-term vision, strategy, and comprehensive and comprehensive implementation to promote innovation, digital transformation, green transformation, and strong application of modern science and technology. Developing policies to support collective economy and cooperatives must be comprehensively innovated in the direction of ensuring the requirements of simplicity, openness, publicity, transparency, practicality, efficiency, accessibility, and inheritance and transition, avoiding disruptions, causing difficulties and requiring priority policies for collective economy organizations in the agricultural sector. At the same time, developing collective economy and cooperatives in the new period is a non-stop process, without stopping points, requiring high determination, great efforts, drastic and effective actions, avoiding formalism, saying is not consistent with doing; We must focus on key points, do the easy things first, do the difficult things later, do from low to high, from small to large, from simple to complex to bring about practical results for the development of the market economy in the new period...
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