The information was given at a working session between the Ministry of Information and Communications and the working delegation of the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment to survey and review the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations, which took place on the morning of February 28 in Hanoi.

Mr. Nguyen Khac Lich, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, reported on the implementation of standards, measurement and quality in the information and communication sector and assessed the implementation of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations in the sector.

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The working session of the Ministry of Information and Communications with the delegation of the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment. Photo: Giang Pham/

Mr. Lich also pointed out 7 difficulties and problems that the information and communication sector encountered when applying the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations and 8 proposed solutions of the Ministry of Information and Communications to amend and supplement the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations to resolve situations and requirements regarding standards and technical regulations to serve practical management requirements; promote direct application and direct citation of international standards, regional standards, and foreign standards; unilaterally recognize foreign testing and certification results to resolve situations of assessing conformity to standards and technical regulations when domestic capacity is limited; coordination mechanism between ministries and sectors in inter-sectoral standards and technical regulations activities, etc.

Delegates highly appreciated the fact that more than 90% of standards applied in the field of information and communication are international standards, demonstrating that the information and communication industry is deeply integrated with the world.

Proposing to the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, the representative of the Department of Telecommunications said that there are currently many new services emerging on digital infrastructure such as AI. These are services that are not only under the state management of the Ministry of Information and Communications but also of other ministries, for example, AI applied in healthcare will be related to the Ministry of Health, even international commitments that Vietnam participates in. New devices such as smart refrigerators and remote blood pressure measurement also show the integration of many industries in one product. Therefore, there should be regulations on the interdisciplinary Law drafting committee to develop standards and regulations that meet practical needs.

Deputy Minister Phan Tam shared about the "Make in Vietnam" strategy, emphasizing the need to strengthen standardization, metrology and quality activities, as well as Vietnam's stronger participation in world standardization organizations, so that "Make in Vietnam" products and services have high quality and competitiveness in the international market.

The Deputy Minister emphasized a number of issues that need to be clarified in the draft Law on Standards and Technical Regulations, including the viewpoints, principles and objectives of the activities of developing technical regulations and standards. This needs to be clarified in the draft Law to ensure when they need to be issued and what the objectives are. In some cases, product and service quality management should rely on competition instead of relying solely on standardization tools. Vietnamese standards should only be issued for essential things.

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Deputy Minister Phan Tam: The Ministry of Information and Communications pays great attention to measurement, standards and quality activities, especially in the context of the IT sector developing rapidly and deeply penetrating all aspects of life. Photo: Giang Pham/

The Deputy Minister also mentioned the need for cross-sectoral cooperation in the context of integrated multi-industry products and services and convergence of equipment. Direct application of international standards is essential in many cases, especially in high-tech and rapidly developing technology fields. The Deputy Minister also proposed promoting the implementation of mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) in ASEAN and APEC to take advantage of the measurement capacity of foreign measurement laboratories.

Chairman of the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy highly appreciated the preparation work of the Ministry of Information and Communications for the working session, the contents of the report were complete and profound, and acknowledged the comments of the Ministry of Information and Communications on the draft Law. The contents of the discussion were all useful, practical, specific and detailed. The Committee understood the views of the Ministry related to regulations, standards, measurement and quality.

Building trust in digital transformation through international standards In the process of national digital transformation, international standards can support the development of policies, regulations and laws to build digital trust.

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