In the context of the global situation of copyright and related rights management and enforcement in the digital environment and recognizing the proactive and active participation of Vietnam in international integration and cooperation activities in the region and countries as well as at WIPO, the WIPO Leaders and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea have proposed to coordinate with Vietnam (represented by the Copyright Office, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) to organize an international conference on copyright enforcement, focusing on copyright enforcement in the digital environment from June 17 to 21, 2024 in Hanoi.
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The conference has 34 topics and 50 presentations from international and Vietnamese experts: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea, Korean Copyright Protection Agency (KCOPA), International Coalition Against Audiovisual Piracy, Motion Picture Association of America, International Online Intermediary Service Alliance, International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC).
The conference will focus on the following contents: Introduction to the copyright enforcement system of countries; the value of copyright and the contribution of creative industries to the economy; common methods of online copyright infringement and threats related to the use of pirated content; international developments in online enforcement and management; jurisdiction and applicable law in online copyright disputes; methods of resolving online copyright infringement; evidence collection, preservation, balanced approach to copyright enforcement and use of technology to prevent copyright infringement; anti-piracy activities carried out by KCOPA (Korea Copyright Infringement Monitoring System)...
The role and responsibilities of intermediaries; the development of copyright case law - WTO dispute settlement law; damages in copyright infringement cases; border measures; criminal proceedings - copyright crime on the Internet and collection of digital evidence; criminal proceedings - proceeds of crime and asset seizure; specialized judicial bodies; dispute resolution; copyright enforcement and trade agreements; emerging and future challenges in copyright enforcement; WIPO's awareness-raising activities and work with judicial bodies; the role of collective management organizations in copyright enforcement; public-private cooperation to combat online copyright infringement, public-private partnerships and cooperation between rights holders...
Coordination of copyright enforcement: inter-agency cooperation; country experiences: challenges and opportunities for effective copyright enforcement, the role of effective injunctions in preventing online copyright infringement, challenges and opportunities for effective copyright enforcement, copyright education and public awareness.
Copyright infringement in the digital environment is a challenge in copyright protection in countries.
Along with that, within the framework of the International Conference on Copyright Enforcement, a number of sideline activities will be held to exchange and promote Vietnamese culture, and at the same time, it will be an opportunity for international guests to have time to exchange and strengthen connections between countries.
The conference was attended by leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, and 70 experts from international and Vietnamese countries. International delegates came from 15 countries around the world (Southeast Asia, Africa, Arab region, Latin America); on the Vietnamese side, there were representatives of management and enforcement agencies of copyright and related rights: People's Court, People's Procuracy, representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, etc.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism regularly organizes conferences and training courses on copyright enforcement.
This is a conference with great influence and importance in the region and internationally on copyright and related rights. Through this international conference, officials of management and enforcement agencies, international experts, and domestic speakers will be updated on the protection and enforcement of copyright and related rights in each country; share policy-making trends, challenges in the face of copyright and related rights infringements, and especially will be an opportunity for countries to build cooperation programs in the management and enforcement of copyright and related rights in the future./.
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