On the morning of October 8, the Thanh Hoa bridge was held at Lam Son Square (Thanh Hoa City, Thanh Hoa Province). Thousands of students and people flocked to cheer for contestant Le Xuan Manh in the final match of Road to Olympia 2023.
Thousands of students and people cheer for Le Xuan Manh
From children to the elderly, they anxiously followed every "step" of Le Xuan Manh at the final match of the year of Road to Olympia.
Cheering enthusiastically for the Olympia final
Thousands of cheering arms every time Le Xuan Manh has the right answer
A father carried his young child to cheer.
Le Xuan Manh was the valedictorian of block B in the block selection exam of Ham Rong High School; second prize in chemistry and biology in the school's excellent student competition; history advisor of the school.
Nervous every time Le Xuan Manh answers a question

Thousands of fans support Le Xuan Manh
The fans are very enthusiastic
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