Hanoi requires units to maintain achievements in eliminating polio, eliminating neonatal tetanus, and moving towards eliminating measles.
Medical news on January 6: Hanoi strives to eradicate polio, eliminate neonatal tetanus and measles
Hanoi requires units to maintain achievements in eliminating polio, eliminating neonatal tetanus, and moving towards eliminating measles.
Hanoi maintains polio eradication, neonatal tetanus and measles elimination
The Hanoi People's Committee has just issued Plan No. 401/KH-UBND on epidemic prevention and control in Hanoi in 2025.
Hanoi requires units to ensure the full vaccination rate for children under 1 year old reaches 95% or more at the commune, ward and town level. Illustrative photo |
Hanoi strives for 100% of People's Committees at all levels from the city to communes, wards and towns to develop and implement plans for disease prevention and control; arrange on-site forces and reinforcement forces according to the epidemic levels in the locality.
100% of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities develop projects/plans to prevent and control dengue fever, ensuring readiness in terms of human resources, equipment, materials and chemicals for disease prevention and control to respond to all disease situations in the area.
100% of People's Committees of communes, wards and towns have established and established medical - population collaborators and mosquito larvae extermination shock teams; 100% of districts, towns and cities have established and established at least 2 rapid response teams/mobile teams for disease prevention and control.
100% of medical examination, treatment and preventive medicine facilities located in the area declare and report infectious diseases and epidemics via the Online Reporting System.
100% of vaccination facilities have implemented the National Immunization Information Management System; 100% of medical staff in the system for monitoring, handling, emergency treatment of epidemics, and forces participating in and supporting epidemic prevention and control from the city to the grassroots level have been trained.
100% of districts, towns, communes, wards, townships, schools, agencies, units, businesses, and construction sites located in the area maintain general environmental sanitation activities and proactively prevent and control epidemics every week.
At the same time, units must ensure that the rate of full vaccination for children under 1 year old reaches 95% or more at the commune, ward and town level; vaccination of other vaccines reaches a high rate according to the plan of the expanded immunization program; maintaining the results of polio eradication, neonatal tetanus elimination, and moving towards measles elimination.
In addition, 100% of children are screened for vaccination history of vaccines in the expanded immunization program when enrolling in preschool and primary schools.
Reduce the birth rate of the third child or more by 0.15%
The plan aims to maintain a stable replacement fertility rate; reduce gender imbalance at birth; improve population quality and healthcare for the elderly; and focus on comprehensively and synchronously resolving issues related to population size, structure, and quality.
Accordingly, by 2025, Hanoi strives to reduce the birth rate of the third child or more by 0.15% compared to 2024. The rate of elderly people receiving regular health check-ups will reach 89%. The rate of prenatal screening (based on the number of pregnant mothers) will reach 85%. The rate of newborn screening (based on the number of newborns) will reach 90%.
The sex ratio at birth (number of boys/100 girls) is not more than 110/100. The rate of male and female couples receiving pre-marital counseling and health check-ups is 85%. The number of people using new contraceptive methods is 416,950.
In the coming time, Hanoi City will continue to effectively implement Plans and Projects to improve population quality; complete the city's planning targets assigned by 2025.
The city continues to coordinate with departments, branches, unions and districts, towns on key tasks such as communication and education activities; inspection and examination of population work in 2025; integration of communication content on population and development.
The city will also stabilize the current organizational model of the population work apparatus at all levels; deploy activities to perform professional tasks on population size and family planning; population structure and quality; improve capacity, communication, monitoring and evaluation.
The City Population and Development Steering Committee will supervise the implementation of key tasks of districts, towns and cities. The Population Steering Committees of districts, towns and cities will inspect and supervise communes, wards and towns on the implementation of population work.
The People's Committees of districts, towns and cities will direct the inspection and examination of private medical facilities on reproductive health care services, family planning, and bookstores providing publications, ensuring that no gender selection of fetuses is carried out in any form.
Focus on many food safety management solutions
Hanoi People's Committee has just issued Plan No. 397/KH-UBND on food safety work in 2025.
The plan sets out seven main tasks and solutions, including: strengthening the direction and capacity of state management on food safety; promoting information, education and communication on food safety; inspection, examination, testing, post-inspection and supervision of food safety quality.
The Health sector develops programs, plans, projects, pilot models, and topics on food safety; controls and handles incidents and risks of food insecurity; ensures funding, human resources, and facilities for food safety work; and carries out administrative procedures related to food safety.
As the standing agency of the City's Food Safety Steering Committee, the Department of Health is responsible for developing documents and plans for food safety activities by year and key months, organizing interdisciplinary inspection teams, and conducting specialized inspections and examinations on food safety according to plan and on an ad hoc basis.
In parallel with the implementation of specialized food safety activities in the field of health sector management according to the assignment and decentralization, the Department of Health presides over and coordinates with departments, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns to maintain, develop, build and implement programs, projects and plans on food safety in the field of management.
The health sector focuses on tracing the origin of collective kitchens and canteens at vocational high schools, colleges, universities and academies; strengthens food safety control for food service establishments and street food around school gates throughout the city.
The Department of Health, directly the Hanoi Food Safety and Hygiene Department, signed a contract and coordinated with press agencies and associations in the City's Food Safety Steering Committee to carry out information, propaganda, and dissemination of knowledge about policies, regulations on food safety, and to publish news, articles, photos, and reports on the current state of food safety in the area.
Source: https://baodautu.vn/tin-moi-y-te-ngay-61-ha-no-luc-thanh-toan-bai-liet-loai-tru-uon-van-so-sinh-soi-d239111.html
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