Of which, the industrial production value is estimated at 17,450 billion VND, an increase of 17.6% compared to 2023 (this is the highest increase in the past 4 years); the construction production value is estimated at 3,809 billion VND, an increase of 7.3% compared to 2023.
The city has 508 enterprises operating in production and business, creating jobs for 21,688 workers. 114 of these enterprises operate in the industrial sector with 15,170 workers. There are 1,102 out of 8,422 production and business households in the industrial sector with 7,320 workers.
The average occupancy rate of industrial parks and clusters in Chi Linh City is 89.3%, with Cong Hoa Industrial Park alone reaching 98.6%. There are currently 21 enterprises investing in production in Tan Dan, Van An 1, Van An 2 and Hoang Tan industrial parks with over 2,450 employees...
THANH HOASource: https://baohaiduong.vn/gia-tri-san-xuat-cong-nghiep-xay-dung-cua-chi-linh-cao-nhat-trong-4-nam-qua-401482.html
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