Pi Network Price Today
The price of Pi on the OKX exchange on March 21, 2025 is fluctuating around the price range from 1.13 USD to 1.2 USD (equivalent to 28,970 VND to 30,570 VND. Thus, at the time of writing, the price of Pi on the OKX exchange decreased by 0.2% compared to yesterday, reaching 28,980 VND.
Pi Coin is experiencing a sharp decline of 30.9% over the past week. The coin has been struggling to test key support levels, leaving investors worried about the recovery prospects.
To make matters worse, Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, has removed Pi Network from its latest listing campaign. Many had expected Pi Coin to be included in the nomination list, but Binance only focuses on projects built on the BNB Smart Chain, leaving Pi Coin out.
Pi Network Implements Two-Factor Authentication for Enhanced Security
Pi Network has just introduced two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance the security of wallet migration to Mainnet. This feature helps protect users' assets by adding an additional layer of authentication before making transactions.
With the new update, some users will need to complete 2FA via email before they can transfer Pi to the Mainnet. Those who have already linked their email can quickly authenticate, while those who have not yet set up will need to go through an additional verification check.
This system helps prevent fraud and unauthorized access, while strengthening the community's trust in the Pi Network. A more secure migration process can encourage more users to transfer Pi to the Mainnet, thereby increasing the value and usability of the coin.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/gia-pi-hom-nay-21-3-2025-tang-nhe-tro-lai-3151043.html
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