ANTD.VN - The Government has decided to extend the pilot implementation period of using telecommunications accounts to pay for small-value goods and services (Mobile-Money) until December 31, 2024.
The Government has just issued Resolution 192/NQ-CP on extending the pilot implementation period of using telecommunications accounts to pay for small-value goods and services.
Specifically, the Government decided to extend the pilot implementation period of using telecommunications accounts to pay for small-value goods and services (Mobile-Money) until December 31, 2024.
The Government assigned the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) to preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies to review, research and report to competent authorities on the issuance of legal documents regulating Mobile-Money services before May 2024.
Mobile Money pilot extended until end of 2024 |
Previously, in Decision No. 316/QD-TTg dated March 9, 2021, the Prime Minister approved the pilot implementation of Mobile-Money service for 2 years starting from March 9, 2021 nationwide.
Mobile - Money service allows customers to use their telecommunications accounts to perform various transactions such as: Payment for small value goods and services, money transfer, direct deposit - withdrawal at stores, transaction points of network operators nationwide... without requiring a bank account, without requiring the use of a smartphone, without requiring an Internet connection.
According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, by early May 2023, the number of customers using Mobile Money services reached more than 3.9 million customers, 3 times higher than the same period in 2022.
Of these, the number of customers in rural, mountainous, remote and isolated areas reached more than 2.7 million customers, accounting for 69% of customers using the service.
The number of business locations nationwide reached more than 9,953, an increase of 12% compared to March 2023, the number of payment acceptance units reached 15,326, an increase of 0.2%.
The total number of transactions (deposits, withdrawals, transfers, payments) using Mobile - Money is more than 26.1 million transactions with a total value of about 1,683 billion VND.
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