To ensure traffic safety and order, the Traffic Safety Committee of Dong Hung district has focused on implementing many synchronous solutions to raise awareness of compliance with road and waterway traffic laws for officials and people, thereby contributing to controlling and minimizing traffic accidents.
Dong Hung town police (Dong Hung) reminded vehicles that parked illegally.
Dong Hop Commune (Dong Hung) has about 1.2km of National Highway 10 running through it with many households doing business, providing services, and trading on both sides of the road. Most households strictly comply with the Road Traffic Law, but there are times when the road traffic safety corridor is still encroached upon to gather, display goods, place advertising signs... affecting the vision of vehicle drivers, causing traffic obstruction, and potentially causing traffic safety risks. In addition, the section passing through the area in front of the gate of Dong Hop Primary and Secondary School, due to the arrangement of the hard divider as well as the unreasonable crossing location, many parents and students choose to go in the opposite direction about 200m to get to the nearest crossing point. This poses many potential risks of causing traffic safety risks.
Mr. Do Cao Duong, Vice Chairman of Dong Hop Commune People's Committee, said: Local authorities and traffic police regularly coordinate with schools to propagate and disseminate knowledge about the Road Traffic Law to students and parents. However, due to the distance from the crossing and the high traffic density on National Highway 10, parents are afraid of danger when their children cross the street... To ensure traffic safety for students and parents after school, local authorities have chosen a temporary solution of planning to upgrade, repair, and expand the sidewalk, the section through the school gate area, creating space for pedestrians as well as students and parents to move on the sidewalk.
Dong Hung district has two important traffic routes, National Highway 10 and National Highway 39, running through it, so the daily traffic volume of people and vehicles is very large, especially during rush hours. This is identified as a potential risk factor for increasing traffic accidents. Implementing the direction of the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, from the beginning of 2023, the District Traffic Safety Committee has advised the District Party Committee and the District People's Committee to direct departments, branches, organizations, communes and towns on ensuring traffic safety and order. Effectively maintain the coordination regulations with the District Radio and Television Station; assign the Traffic Police force to ensure the time to propagate the Road Traffic Law, driving skills, disseminate laws on ensuring traffic safety and order, and traffic accident situations. Distribute over 2,000 leaflets and posters; print 40 CDs to propagate the Road Traffic Law in communes and towns; propaganda, signing commitments with 18/18 ferry owners across the river... Through the above activities, it contributes to raising people's awareness and sense of responsibility in complying with the provisions of the law on ensuring traffic safety and order. The District Traffic Safety Committee coordinated with the police of communes and towns to conduct 67 patrols to clear traffic safety corridors in Dong Hung district. The results were the seizure of 97 billboards, 25 umbrellas, 150 posters, 43 banners, 5 sets of plastic tables and chairs... Organizing the clearing of 12.5km on district roads and commune roads; painting over 2km of commune roads; remind and sign a commitment for nearly 550 households along the road not to encroach on the roadside and sidewalk for trading, gathering construction materials... In addition, the District Economic - Infrastructure Department regularly inspects, reviews and evaluates the current status of over 108km of the district's main roads to develop a maintenance and repair plan for 2023. In particular, continue to implement the project of renovating the sidewalks of Dong Hung town, district road DH.48; start construction of district projects such as: district road DH.53 phase 2, rescue road from National Highway 39 to Tra Ly left embankment, Phu Chau commune - Trong Quan.
Since the beginning of the year, there have been 8 serious road traffic accidents in Dong Hung district, killing 2 people and injuring 9 people. Compared to the same period in 2022, there have been 4 fewer cases and 3 fewer injuries. Waterway traffic has been ensured, with no accidents occurring. From December 15, 2022 to present, the Traffic Police and District Police have detected and handled nearly 600 cases of traffic safety violations, detained more than 300 vehicles of all kinds, revoked the driving licenses of 146 cases, and imposed fines of more than 1.8 billion VND to the state budget.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dan, Vice Chairman of Dong Hung District People's Committee, said: To contribute to ensuring road traffic safety and order, in the coming time, the District Traffic Safety Committee directs communes and towns to continue promoting the dissemination of laws on traffic safety and order; the Traffic Police force coordinates with the police of communes and towns to increase patrols, control, and detect violations of traffic safety laws; focus on handling violations that are direct causes of traffic accidents; violations of traffic safety corridors, encroachment on roadsides and sidewalks that obstruct traffic to have measures to prevent violations from the beginning; strengthen measures, proactively prevent traffic accidents, ensure smooth traffic, and prevent traffic jams. The District Traffic Safety Committee requests the Economic - Infrastructure Department, District Police, and District Radio and Television Station to coordinate with the People's Committees of communes and towns to assign and divide sections of roads to organizations responsible for dissemination and management to detect violations and promptly remind...
Authorities deployed to ensure traffic safety on National Highway 10, through Dong Hop commune (Dong Hung).
Nguyen Thoi
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