The transition from citizen identification to citizen identification card is an important step to simplify administrative procedures, facilitate population management and improve the efficiency of public services. However, for this process to go smoothly, people need to clearly understand the documents that need to be prepared.
On July 1, the 2023 Identity Law officially took effect. According to regulations, by December 31, 2024, 9-digit ID cards will no longer be valid. Therefore, citizens who are using 9-digit ID cards should arrange a time to get an ID card to ensure convenience in carrying out procedures and transactions in the future.
In case a citizen has been issued a citizen identification card before July 1, 2024, it is still valid until the expiration date stated on the identification card. However, when the citizen identification card has not expired and the citizen wants to change to an identification card, the police force will still accept the application to issue a new identification card.
Citizens with an ID card (not expired) who want to change to an ID card only need to bring the old ID card to the police station to complete the procedure.
When having a citizen identification card but still wanting to switch to an ID card, people only need to bring their old citizen identification card to the police agency to complete the procedure to register for a new ID card.
Regarding the order and procedures for issuing an ID card to a person who already has a citizen ID card (not yet expired) is similar to the procedures for issuing an ID card to a citizen aged 14 who has never been issued an ID card or citizen ID card and to a citizen who already has an expired citizen ID card.
Accordingly, the recipient checks and compares the information of the person requiring an ID card from the national population database, national database, and specialized database to accurately identify the person requiring an ID card. In case the information of the person requiring an ID card is not available in the national population database, the procedure must be carried out to update and adjust the information in the national population database.
Next, the recipient collects identification information and biometric information including facial photo, fingerprints, and iris of the person needing an ID card.
The person needing an ID card will check and sign the ID information receipt before the recipient issues an appointment to return the ID card.
Finally, the identity card holder will be returned to the location stated in the appointment letter. In case the person who needs the identity card requests to return the identity card at another location, the identity management agency will return the identity card at the requested location and the person must pay the delivery service fee.
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