This result demonstrates the high solidarity and unity of the Politburo and the Central Executive Committee - the highest leadership body of the Party between two Congresses. It is also the common wish and aspiration of the entire Party, people and army, to continue and promote the spirit of solidarity, join hands and overcome difficulties and challenges to maintain and promote the important and comprehensive achievements that our country has achieved, successfully implementing the goals set out in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.
The history of the past 90 years has proven that the great national unity is the important basis and foundation for fully promoting intellectual strength, creativity, self-reliance, self-reliance, national pride, and is a great driving force in the cause of building and defending the Fatherland. Every time the country faces difficulties and challenges, patriotism, national pride, and the great strength of the great national unity bloc are multiplied, leading the Vietnamese revolutionary boat through all rapids, storms, and tempests to reach the shore of glory.
During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh once advised: "Unity, unity, great unity - Success, success, great success". Implementing that advice, our entire Party, people and army always pay special attention to building and consolidating the great national unity bloc, closely linking domestic unity with international unity, combining national strength with the strength of the times - considering this a particularly important fundamental factor in the process of building, developing the country and defending the Fatherland.
It is clear that promoting the strength of the great national unity bloc is a consistent and unified policy of our Party, directly expressed in the content of many documents, resolutions, decisions and directives throughout the Party's terms. Through the historical periods of the country, the great national unity bloc has been increasingly consolidated, strengthened and promoted, creating a combined strength to bring the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation to success.
In the process of national construction and development, our Party and State have issued many policies and strategies to gradually care for and improve the material and spiritual life of the people, ensure social security, narrow the gap between regions, ethnic groups and religions, maintain political and social stability, enhance social consensus, and consolidate people's trust in the Party and State...
In the context of the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, our Party and the entire political system together with all compatriots at home and abroad have united, joined hands, pushed back and overcome unprecedented difficulties and challenges. That spirit continues to be aroused by the drastic policies set forth by our Party and State to gradually restore and develop the country's economy. In the second quarter of 2024, Vietnam's economy continued to flourish with gross domestic product (GDP) increasing by 6.93% over the same period in 2023. In the first 6 months of the year, GDP increased by 6.42%.
After nearly 40 years of implementing the renovation process, the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress affirmed: "Our country has never had such a foundation, potential, position and international prestige as today". Among those achievements, the gathering, solidarity and promotion of the strength of the great national solidarity bloc are of primary importance. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has repeatedly emphasized that these great and historic achievements are the crystallization of the efforts of the entire political system, the solidarity and unity of the entire Party, people and army with the spirit of: "First call, then support", "One call, all respond", "Unanimity from top to bottom", "Consistency across the board".
The 8th Resolution of the 13th Party Central Committee also clearly stated: “In the new development period, it is necessary to continue to promote the tradition of great national unity, create social consensus, strongly arouse patriotism, self-reliance, national pride, belief, and aspiration to contribute, contributing to the successful implementation of the goal that by 2030 Vietnam will be a developing country with modern industry and high average income; by 2045, it will become a developed country with high income, following the socialist orientation”.
Reality shows that all policies and guidelines of our Party and State originate from the requirements, aspirations, rights and legitimate interests of the people; constantly strengthen close relations with the people, identify the goal of happiness and prosperity of the people as the nature of the socialist regime; at the same time promote the spirit of dedication to the country of all Vietnamese people. In 1988, Vietnam was among the group with the lowest GDP per capita in the world at just under 100 USD/person. Since 2008, Vietnam's GDP per capita has exceeded 1,000 USD. During the period 2010 - 2023, GDP per capita has continuously increased and by 2023 it reached 4,284 USD/person. This increase is a testament to the efforts of the entire political system, aiming for people to benefit from the results of growth.
Although hostile forces, reactionaries, and political opportunists use all kinds of insidious tricks to divide the great national unity bloc, sabotage our country from within, including carrying out terrorist activities, the people still have absolute confidence in the leadership of the Party. The fact that Party members and Party organizations that have violated the law have been disciplined in the past shows that our Party always attaches importance to discipline so that the Party becomes increasingly clean and strong - a decisive factor for the stability and sustainable development of Vietnam.
Unity is the source of strength, the key factor determining success. Before passing away, President Ho Chi Minh especially emphasized in his Will: “Unity is an extremely precious tradition of the Party and our people. Comrades from the Central Committee to the Party cells must preserve the unity and unanimity of the Party as if preserving the pupil of their eye.”
Imbued with that advice, our entire Party, people and army have continuously continued and promoted the spirit of solidarity, made great efforts and determination, maintained and further promoted the country's foundation, potential, prestige and position, successfully carried out the cause of industrialization and modernization, put our country firmly on the path of rapid and sustainable development, and successfully completed the goals and tasks set forth in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.
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