The secretaries of Party Cells 1, 2, and 3 under the school Party Committee announced the decisions of the Standing Committee of the Tam Ky City Party Committee to admit 11 students to the Party. During their time studying at the school, these 11 outstanding students all had good academic achievements and actively participated in emulation movements and activities launched by the school. Through the process of nurturing, training, and testing, the students were qualified to join the Party.
It is known that from 2021 to present, the Party Committee of Nguyen Binh Khiem High School for the Gifted has done a good job in developing Party members with 44 students joining the Party.
Source: https://baoquangnam.vn/dang-bo-truong-thpt-chuyen-nguyen-binh-khiem-to-chuc-ket-nap-11-dang-vien-la-hoc-sinh-3138346.html
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