In 2024, Party committees at all levels and competent Party cells reviewed and disciplined 1 Party organization with the form of reprimand and 29 Party members who violated (27 reprimands, 2 warnings). Of which, the Standing Committee of Dai Loc District Party Committee disciplined 1 Party organization (Party Committee of Dai Loc District Medical Center) with the form of reprimand and 1 Party member who is a Party Committee member at the same level with the form of reprimand; the Party cell disciplined 28 Party members (26 reprimands, 2 warnings).
The District Party Committee's Inspection Commission and the grassroots level have reviewed and disciplined 8 violating party members (4 reprimands, 2 warnings, 2 expulsions from the Party). Of which, the District Party Committee's Inspection Commission disciplined 6 party members (2 reprimands, 2 warnings, 2 expulsions), and the Party Committee's Inspection Commission disciplined 2 party members with reprimands.
The above-mentioned party organizations and party members mainly violated the leadership, direction, implementation of working regulations, the principle of democratic centralism; implementation of the Party's policies and regulations, and the State's laws in management and operation; violated assigned duties and responsibilities; and family planning population policies.
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