Protecting children online - an urgent task
The development of information technology and the Internet brings many benefits but also risks to children, especially in the digital age.
E-cigarettes: The story behind the white smoke
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have become increasingly popular among young people in recent years.
All for the future green shoots of the country
The Party and State always pay attention and give priority to the protection, care and education of children - the future green buds of the country.
Promoting the rights and interests of digital citizens
Building a population database, issuing citizen identification cards, and electronic identification are efforts to promote people's rights and interests in digital transformation.
To keep children from being 'poisoned' by cyberspace
In the digital age, protecting children from the dangers and pitfalls that are rampant on the Internet is urgent and requires the efforts of the whole society.
They wrote a book called Hope.
Walking on the street, I often think that every person I meet, whether familiar or unfamiliar, contains a book...
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