Pursuing your passion and achieving your goals is a good result, but don't mistake success for satisfaction. In the photo: Candidates for the vocational student competition in Ho Chi Minh City - Photo: QL
It is difficult to deny that in the current context, the success of some people has promoted the dreams of many young people. The desire for success is not wrong, if not to say that it must be encouraged when the way to achieve the desire is according to social standards and in accordance with the law.
But the FOMO (Fear out of missing out) mentality is also part of the factor that motivates young people to try to pursue their passion while not understanding the true nature of learning as well as the definition of success.
The nature of learning according to UNESCO's definition is "Learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together".
This was once shared by Dr. Giap Van Duong in Tuoi Tre newspaper. It can be understood that learning is continuous and must be learned for life.
While passion is loosely understood as liking. There are many likings that will change over time and age. If passion is nurtured for a long enough time and overcomes challenges, it can become an ideal.
While success is temporarily called achieving good results for one's own goals at a specific stage in life. Because sometimes achieving satisfactory results for a certain goal at a specific stage makes us so happy that we mistakenly think that this success is forever and think that there is no need to train ourselves or "study for life".
In fact, there are many people who, due to certain circumstances, cannot continue their studies, but with the spirit of self-study and lifelong learning, they still become successful people.
Therefore, learning or learning for what purpose needs to be understood more broadly instead of just focusing on studying to get a degree. Learning must be continuous and the State has a policy of building a learning society and lifelong learning.
It is no coincidence that right from primary school, when children enter school and class, they see Lenin's famous saying "Study, study more, study forever". That spirit and a proactive learning attitude will help us take control of our lives rather than just comparing ourselves to so-called successes in a certain period.
I remember a speech by Bill Gates that many people have probably read. When returning to Harvard University on June 7, 2007, Bill Gates said: "I am a bad example. That is why I was invited to speak at your graduation ceremony. If I had told you when you first started planning for your future, few of you would be here today."
Should I drop out of school to pursue my passion? The question is not unreasonable for many of us. Please share your thoughts with us and send them to the email address: [email protected].
Source: https://tuoitre.vn/co-nen-bo-hoc-theo-duoi-dam-me-dung-ngo-nhan-thanh-cong-o-mot-giai-doan-20241002113526797.htm
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