First Secretary of the Central Youth Union Bui Quang Huy speaks at the opening ceremony of the forum - Photo: BAO ANH
The forum was organized by the Central Youth Union, the National Committee for Vietnamese Youth in coordination with the Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF), the Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the Francophone University Organization (AUF).
Delegates attending the forum include 10 outstanding young people from Vietnam and 50 outstanding young faces from many member countries and observers of OIF in the Asia-Pacific region.
Speaking at the opening session of the forum, First Secretary of the Central Youth Union Bui Quang Huy affirmed that as an active member of the Francophone Community, Vietnam always attaches importance to promoting international exchange and cooperation, especially in areas where young people can fully develop their abilities and creativity.
Mr. Huy said that the theme of this year's forum is similar to the theme of the 19th Francophone Summit, which will be held in Paris, France in October this year: "Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in French".
"When it comes to the phrases jobs, creativity, innovation, startups, most of us think of young people first and I think that the theme of this year's forum is very suitable for young people in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the sharing economy and the current COVID-19 pandemic.
When innovation has become the main driving force and the most suitable national development strategy of countries. For Vietnam, in this period, we identify the development of innovation together with science and technology as the top national policy, playing a strategic breakthrough role, and being the main driving force to promote growth.
The focus is on developing the entrepreneurial capacity of Vietnamese youth at home and abroad, participating in creating an environment to support young entrepreneurs to develop the country on the basis of science, technology, innovation and digital transformation," Mr. Huy emphasized.
The delegates are outstanding young people of Vietnam and 50 outstanding young faces from many member countries - Photo: BAO ANH
Through the activities at this year's forum, youth delegates will have the opportunity to exchange, learn and share valuable experiences on employment, entrepreneurship in the Francophone environment, sustainable development, digital and information and communication technology... to together create new values for the Francophone community.
The forum focused on a roundtable discussion on "The Francophone Community in Asia - Pacific: Cross-cutting Perspectives"; thematic workshops such as: "Jobs, opportunities to go abroad, business startups, career integration of Francophone youth in Asia - Pacific"; "Digital and information and communication technology: Career and employment opportunities"...
The 2024 Asia-Pacific Francophone Youth Forum takes place from September 11 to 13.
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