GĐXH - Before being hospitalized, this 23-year-old girl admitted to having gone out to a party with friends and drinking alcohol. Due to drinking too much, she had signs of nausea, vomiting many times, accompanied by blood...
Patient LTHD, 23 years old, from Hai Duong said that before being admitted to the hospital, she went to a party with friends and drank alcohol. Because she drank too much, she had signs of nausea, vomiting many times, accompanied by blood, so she went to Medlatec Clinic, Cau Giay, Hanoi for examination.
The doctor noticed abnormal signs in the digestive system, so he ordered the patient to undergo necessary diagnostic techniques, including esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
Results of the patient's esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Photo: BVCC
Looking at the endoscopic image, it shows that the cardia has 2 5mm tears that are bleeding. Immediately, the doctor cleaned the wound and injected Adrenalin 1/10000 into the 4 corners around the tears to stop the bleeding.
The doctor diagnosed the patient's condition as upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to a tear in the cardia, a Mallory Weiss syndrome. After stopping the bleeding, the doctor advised the patient to be hospitalized for monitoring and medical treatment.
Mallory-Weiss syndrome is identified as one of the common causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (up to 15% in some studies), characterized by longitudinal mucosal tears. This syndrome is characterized by a non-penetrating mucosal tear at the gastroesophageal junction.
Causes of gastrointestinal bleeding
Doctor Dang Thi Tam - Internal Medicine Specialist said, the tear can occur due to sudden increase in abdominal pressure such as excessive vomiting; continuous coughing; excessive screaming; CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation); abdominal trauma...
Image of doctors performing esophagogastroduodenoscopy on patients. Photo: BVCC
Alcohol consumption is considered one of the most important factors because up to 50-70% of cases of patients diagnosed with this syndrome are related to alcohol use.
About 80-90% of cases can stop bleeding on their own, but some cases may experience dangerous complications such as hemorrhagic shock, if not detected early and treated promptly.
Therefore, if people have unusual signs, suspecting that they have the disease such as epigastric pain, fainting, rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, hemorrhagic shock. They should proactively go to medical facilities immediately for timely examination and treatment.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/co-gai-23-tuoi-o-hai-duong-non-ra-mau-nhap-vien-gap-thua-nhan-lam-viec-nay-trong-buoi-lien-hoan-172241125152653085.htm
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