Admitted to the hospital with symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, accompanied by black stools, the doctor concluded that the patient had gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal ulcer, risk of anemia, shock and death if not treated early.
Recently, male patient VNT (61 years old, Hai Duong) went to Hanoi for examination at Medlatec General Hospital in a state of fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, and black stools.
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Mr. T. was clinically examined by a doctor and had the necessary tests and functional probes performed. The results of the esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed a 1.5cm ulcer with edematous edges and a deep base covered with a white pseudomembrane.
Positive HP bacteria test result - this is the leading cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers leading to gastrointestinal bleeding.
The doctor diagnosed the patient with gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal ulcer (Forrest III), which if not treated promptly could lead to massive bleeding, anemia, shock and death.
Faced with a dangerous situation, the patient was quickly admitted to the hospital for inpatient treatment. After 4 days of intensive medical treatment and close monitoring of the disease progression, Mr. T. recovered well and was discharged from the hospital.
However, patients still need to have regular check-ups according to the doctor's instructions to prevent the disease from recurring. Commenting on the case, MSc. Dr. Luu Tuan Thanh, a specialist in Gastroenterology, Medlatec General Hospital, said that gastrointestinal bleeding caused by HP bacteria is a disease that easily recurs, so it is necessary to treat it with the right medicine, thoroughly, and prevent drug resistance that causes the patient to be reinfected with bacteria many times.
At the same time, doctors recommend that people should not be subjective when having black stools, because this can be a warning sign of abnormal diseases in the digestive tract that need to be vigilant and examined promptly.
Helicobacter pylori (also known as HP bacteria) is the leading cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
In addition, the disease can also be caused by side effects from long-term use of anti-inflammatory/pain-relieving drugs that inhibit the synthesis of Prostaglandin - a substance that protects the stomach lining, causing gastritis and duodenal ulcers.
Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that in Vietnam, the rate of HP bacteria infection is high, about 70-80% of the population. HP bacteria can easily be transmitted through the respiratory tract due to eating and living habits.
When HP bacteria infection is detected, patients need to be examined, risk factors assessed and lesions in the stomach and duodenum checked, from which a treatment strategy is developed, as well as a close assessment after treatment, to avoid the disease recurring many times.
People should note that when they see the following signs in their body, they need to go to the doctor to accurately determine the condition of gastric and duodenal ulcers that are appearing in the body:
Epigastric pain (above the navel); bloating, indigestion, nausea; flatulence, heartburn, epigastric burning; black stools; anemia of unknown cause.
If not detected and treated promptly, serious complications due to gastric and duodenal ulcers are warned by Master, Doctor of Medicine Luu Tuan Thanh, including gastric and duodenal perforation, a condition that causes patients to have sudden, severe abdominal pain.
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding: The injury causes ulcers and bleeding. This is an emergency that requires timely intervention, otherwise it will cause severe blood loss and be life-threatening.
Pyloric-duodenal stenosis: This is a form of fibrous inflammatory tissue that develops on an ulcer in the pylorus-duodenum, causing narrowing of the intestinal lumen below the stomach, making it difficult for food to pass through the digestive tract.
Learn about 2 methods that help detect HP bacteria accurately today. In cases where there are signs of suspected gastric or duodenal ulcers, when going for examination, the doctor will first prescribe the following 2 methods:
Gastroscopy: The doctor evaluates the condition of gastric and duodenal ulcers through endoscopy, and also performs a urease test, or biopsies tissue samples for histopathological biopsy, or bacterial culture.
Testing: Includes breath testing or stool sampling to look for HP bacteria.
To prevent digestive cancer, experts recommend that people should follow a healthy diet including eating lots of green vegetables and fruits, reducing fat content, limiting sour, spicy, hot foods, industrial foods, alcohol. Quit smoking to reduce the risk of digestive cancer and related diseases.
Regular exercise every day to improve health and create a healthy body surface, reducing the risk of diseases, including gastrointestinal cancer.
See a doctor immediately if you have unusual symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating, sudden weight loss, small, flat stools, bloody stools, constipation or diarrhea...
Perform regular screening for gastrointestinal cancer at reputable medical facilities or when the body has no abnormal signs to detect and treat gastrointestinal cancer at an early stage. Screening types may include cytology, ultrasound, endoscopy, high-tech imaging, etc.
In addition to taking preventive measures to prevent early gastrointestinal cancer, we should also screen for gastrointestinal cancer regularly.
Regular screening for gastrointestinal cancer allows health care professionals to assess your health and detect problems early. Early detection can lead to early treatment and a better chance of a cure.
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