"When recruiting a new employee regardless of department, the first thing we want them to understand and bring to work is the spirit of putting customers at the center of all actions," Mr. Pho Duc Kien, Deputy General Director, Operations Director of CMC Telecom shared when asked about the company's philosophy.
CMC Telecom considers customers as the focus to help the company develop.
Launched in 2008 with the philosophy of "Customer Centricity", customers have become the center of all decisions related to providing products, services and experiences of CMC Telecom.
After completing the North-South backbone system - CVCS directly connecting to the Southeast Asia mainland cable network (A-Grid) to provide a stable, high-capacity transmission line for Vietnamese businesses, CMC Telecom continues to provide Data Center (DC) according to the "Be Spoke" philosophy. CMC Telecom's DC in Tan Thuan (HCMC) is not only the most modern data center in Vietnam today, but also the only DC in the country providing services according to the philosophy of designing specifically for each large customer segment.
In the context of digital transformation flourishing with the need for Cloud First, CMC Telecom has quickly researched and developed CMC Cloud - a make-in-Vietnam Cloud platform optimized to the "taste" of Vietnamese businesses. At the same time, the company also continuously cooperates and enhances high-level partnerships with Cloud giants such as AWS, Microsoft, Google to provide international Cloud services with the best quality for domestic businesses.
Realizing early that digital convergence services are an inevitable trend to meet the needs of businesses, in 2017 CMC Telecom also made the biggest transformation ever, from an ISP to a convergence service provider, adding IT Outsourcing and Security services to businesses.
As of mid-2023, statistics show that CMC Telecom is leading the digital infrastructure market, with 100% of banks in Vietnam using it - a customer group considered to be the most demanding and demanding. In addition, 50% of businesses in Forbes' Top 100 World Brands are also using the services of this Vietnamese supplier.
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