Dong Nai Paint Joint Stock Company (stock code SDN) announced that September 5 is the ex-dividend date for 2022 dividend payment. The total dividend rate for shareholders is up to 127%, of which 27% is in cash and new shares are received at a ratio of 1:1. This is equivalent to shareholders owning 1 share will receive 2,700 VND and 1 new share.
At the end of August, SDN shares jumped to the ceiling price of VND52,200 while there were no transactions in many previous sessions. This is a high dividend rate on the stock exchange when many businesses only pay a common rate of 10 - 20%.
Many companies pay dividends at a rate of 100%
Or Saigon VRG Investment Joint Stock Company (stock code SIP) has just announced that September 8 is the last registration date to close the list of shareholders to receive 2022 stock dividends at a rate of 45% and at the same time bonus shares at a rate of 55%, totaling 100%. Thus, each shareholder owning 1 share will receive 1 new share. On the stock market, SIP shares are currently at 133,000 VND - an increase of 102.4% compared to the beginning of the year.
Shareholders of Son La Sugarcane Joint Stock Company (stock code SLS) are also about to receive sky-high dividends. Son La Company has just announced the proposal for the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on September 26, with the plan to submit to shareholders a dividend payment rate of 100% in cash for the fiscal year 2022 - 2023 (equivalent to 10,000 VND per share). Previously, in October 2022, this enterprise paid dividends at a rate of 100% in cash for the fiscal year 2021 - 2022.
The number of enterprises paying high dividends is not rare. Last April, Vietnam Apatite Phosphorus Joint Stock Company (stock code PAT) also paid cash dividends at a rate of 106.55%/share (1 share received 10,655 VND). PAT stock price is currently at 87,500 VND, a slight increase compared to the beginning of the year.
Or Nam Tan Uyen Industrial Park Joint Stock Company (stock code NTC) also set September 5 as the trading date without the right to receive the remaining cash dividend of 2022 at 20% (equivalent to 2,000 VND per share). Previously, at the end of June, NTC paid the first cash dividend of 2022 to shareholders at a rate of 60% (6,000 VND per share). Thus, the total rate of NTC paying cash dividends in 2022 to shareholders is up to 80%, equivalent to the owner of 1 share receiving 8,000 VND...
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