Tofu containing gypsum is not uncommon. Gypsum is a food additive that is permitted by the Ministry of Health, but must be used in a certain amount. Facilities that add gypsum to food must register with the food safety management agency and be monitored for content and quality to avoid overuse.
Gypsum used in food is pure and very expensive. Currently, tofu production facilities illegally use industrial gypsum commonly used in the construction industry to make a profit.
Many people are interested in how to detect tofu containing gypsum. (Illustration photo)
Traditional tofu is made from ground soybeans and using fresh lemon juice to create precipitation or fermentation. In the traditional way, the amount of precipitation is not much, so people add gypsum to the pot of bean water to create more precipitation, the volume obtained can double, increasing revenue.
People who eat foods containing a lot of gypsum are at risk of metal poisoning, kidney stones, and digestive disorders.
To distinguish between pure tofu and tofu containing gypsum, you should carefully observe the appearance of the tofu. Pure tofu is ivory white while tofu containing gypsum is light yellow.
In addition, safe tofu feels soft, elastic, and flexible. Gypsum-containing tofu is often firm, solid, the edges of the tofu are hard, yellow, and dry quickly. Moreover, pure tofu is fatty, while the type mixed with gypsum will be fibrous, astringent, and not spongy when fried.
The above information will help you find "how to detect tofu containing gypsum". You should choose reliable production facilities to buy pure tofu or you can make tofu at home.
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