Colombia An officer in the suburbs of Bogota was caught red-handed extorting a business owner so he decided to swallow a wad of money to destroy the evidence.
A Colombian police officer was hospitalized after swallowing nine banknotes in Soacha, a sprawling suburb of Bogota, on June 13. He was blackmailing a business owner but was unaware that the victim had reported the matter to Colombia’s anti-kidnapping, corruption and extortion unit. When investigators arrived, the officer swallowed the money in an attempt to destroy evidence.
"I didn't take anything, absolutely nothing, I don't know what they're talking about," the policeman said, his face pale from suffocation.
"We have to take him to the hospital to get the money out," said a member of the anti-corruption force as he gave first aid to the choking officer.
Local media reported that the choking officer and a colleague allegedly threatened the store owner with two million pesos ($480) or face arrest for sexual crimes. The man handed over half the money, but the officer was not satisfied and took him to the detention center for two hours to force him to pay the rest.
The officer denied extortion when he was caught red-handed in Bogota on June 13. Video: Soho
Doctors removed nine bills worth a total of 500,000 pesos ($120) from the officer. The officer also had to have his stomach pumped. “The bills are made of durable material and are not easy to digest,” the local prosecutor said.
The case has become a hot topic in Colombia. Corruption in the country's police is widespread. Some people say they have been harassed by the police themselves.
"It was their other income, their side hustle. It's a relief to see them brought to justice," said Camilo Lopez, a small business owner in Bogota.
Prosecutors said the two officers are under criminal investigation.
An employee counts Colombian pesos at a currency exchange in Bogota, July 11, 2022. Photo: Reuters
Hong Hanh (According to Guardian )
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