GĐXH - After 1 week of having the family apply leaves to treat the sprain, the patient had a lot of pain, red and swollen legs with blisters.
On January 10, information from Cam Khe District Medical Center (Phu Tho) said that this unit had just received a male patient (12 years old) admitted to the hospital with a swollen, red, and blistered left foot.
According to the family, the patient fell and caused pain and swelling in the left ankle. The doctor gave him medicine and advice. However, hoping to help him recover quickly, the family used leaves from a plant that cures sprains to apply to the injured area. After a week, the patient was in a lot of pain so they were taken to the hospital for examination.
Here, doctors determined that the patient had an infection in the left ankle and proceeded to drain the pus. The doctor removed about 300ml of white pus, washed and scraped off the inflamed tissue. The patient is currently receiving wound care and antibiotic treatment to fight the infection.
Doctor drains pus from patient's ankle. Photo: BVCC.
According to Dr. Giang Hoai Duc, Head of General Surgery Department, Cam Khe District Medical Center, the cause of the patient's infection could be due to the application of leaves that were not sterile, bacteria entering the body through skin lesions or when the skin is not damaged, applying leaves can also cause skin burns, creating conditions for bacteria to enter and cause disease.
Therefore, experts recommend that when injured, patients need to follow the following 4 principles:
First, rest helps bones and joints to rest completely and the body to recover from injury.
Second, cold compresses help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Patients need to apply cold compresses for 48 to 72 hours after injury, each cold compress should last about 15 to 20 minutes, the interval between compresses in the first 24 hours is 30 to 60 minutes. After the first 24 hours is 120 to 180 minutes.
Third, bandages or splints help to immobilize the injured joint, relieve pain, and reduce swelling.
Fourth, elevating the injured area relative to the rest of the body will help reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation.
In particular, do not apply hot compresses, hot oil, or bear bile to the injured area because this will increase the severity of the injury, not only making the illness take longer to heal but also increasing the risk of unfortunate complications.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/be-trai-12-tuoi-nhiem-trung-nang-do-dap-la-chua-bong-gan-17225011014195432.htm
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