GĐXH - Gout often has painful signs such as: sudden, severe joint pain, swelling, redness, warmth around the joint...
For the past 2 years, male student LMH (male, 17 years old, in Hanoi) has had many episodes of dull pain in the first toe of his left foot, pain when walking and moving, which goes away after 3-5 days. Two days ago, H had severe pain in the first toe joint of his left foot, swelling, heat, continuous pain, increased when moving, sometimes pain at night, so he went to Medlatec General Hospital for examination.
Medical history investigation showed that H had no history of trauma, no pain in the spine or other joints, and had not received any medication.
Regarding personal and family history, parents said that H. had tetralogy of Fallot - the most common congenital heart disease - and had surgery more than 15 years ago, so he had regular cardiology check-ups and was allergic to antibiotics (Ceftriaxone). His maternal grandfather had gout.
Photo: BVCC
MSc.BSNT Trinh Thi Nga - Head of the hospital's Department of Orthopedics said: Preliminary diagnosis and monitoring of gout, patients are consulted for in-depth diagnosis of tests and imaging diagnosis.
Notable results included increased inflammatory blood test (BC: 14.42G/L, CRP: 13.47 mg/L), high blood uric acid: 543.22 µmol/L, and images of urate crystal deposits in the form of clusters at the first metatarsal joint of the left foot on dual-energy computed tomography (CT) scan. Therefore, the doctor diagnosed the patient with an acute attack of chronic gout.
Warning signs of gout, need to be examined early
Doctor Nga said that H. had a normal diet, was short (due to congenital heart disease), and was young, so when unusual signs appeared, the family subjectively thought it was caused by changes in the weather. However, because H. had congenital heart disease with cyanosis, he was at higher risk of gout and increased uric acid, and there was also a genetic factor of his grandfather having gout. Therefore, H. needed to be examined and checked periodically every 3-6 months to best control gout.
Doctors warn that if gout is not detected and treated promptly, the disease can become serious, such as tophi, joint damage, kidney stones... In particular, young people with gout can have cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease...
According to Russian doctors, when signs of pain appear such as sudden, severe joint pain, swelling, redness, warmth around the joint... most of these signs usually last for several hours in 1-2 days, to detect the disease promptly, people need to see a doctor immediately.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/bat-ngo-nam-sinh-17-tuoi-o-ha-noi-mac-benh-gut-suot-2-nam-ma-khong-he-hay-biet-172250119153644351.htm
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