On the afternoon of September 20, the Department of Trade Defense, Ministry of Industry and Trade, announced that the Department had issued an investigation questionnaire for foreign manufacturers/exporters in the case of reviewing the application of trade defense measures on some cane sugar products (case code: AR01.AC02.AD13-AS01).
Accordingly, on September 6, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Decision No. 2368⁄QD-BCT on reviewing the application of trade defense measures on some cane sugar products (Case code: AR01.AC02.AD13-AS01). Details on the scope, content and duration of the investigation can be found in Decision No. 2368⁄QD-BCT and the attached Notice.
The deadline to respond to the survey questionnaire is before 5:00 p.m. on October 31, 2024 (Hanoi time). Illustrative photo |
The Trade Remedies Authority (Investigation Agency) has sent the official investigation review questionnaire to relevant foreign manufacturing/exporting enterprises to respond to the investigation questionnaire. The deadline for responding to the investigation questionnaire is before 17:00 on October 31, 2024 (Hanoi time).
To ensure its rights and interests, the Investigation Authority requests relevant foreign manufacturers/exporters to participate and cooperate fully throughout the investigation process. In case the Investigation Authority does not receive timely responses from foreign manufacturers/exporters or in case the information provided is inaccurate or incomplete as requested, the Investigation Authority will use available information to draw conclusions according to the provisions of Article 75 of the Law on Foreign Trade Management.
The information and data provided during the process of answering the questionnaire of the Investigation Agency and the right to access information of the case of the relevant parties during the investigation process will be carried out in accordance with the legal provisions on information confidentiality in Article 11 of Decree No. 10/2018/ND-CP dated January 15, 2018 detailing a number of articles of the Law on Foreign Trade Management on trade defense measures.
Instructions on how to answer the sections of the questionnaire, the form of submission and the deadline for submission are detailed in the Questionnaire for Enterprises. Therefore, the Investigation Agency recommends that enterprises read the instructions carefully before answering and submit their responses on time.
Notice No. 133/TB-PVTM on the issuance of investigation questionnaires for foreign manufacturers and exporters in case AR01.AC02.AD13-AS01, see here
Source: https://congthuong.vn/ban-hanh-ban-cau-hoi-dieu-tra-ra-soat-ap-dung-bien-phap-phong-ve-thuong-mai-voi-duong-mia-347240.html
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