Experts, can people with digestive problems, stomach problems or bloating eat yogurt? If so, how should I eat it? (Male, 27 years old, Hanoi).
Flatulence is a condition in which gas accumulates in the stomach, causing the abdomen to swell, causing discomfort and fatigue. This condition can occur in both children and adults. Symptoms of flatulence include tension, heaviness, belching, and nausea.
Yogurt contains many beneficial bacteria, helps balance intestinal microflora, so it is suitable for people with bloating. This dish has the effect of regulating intestinal motility, minimizing the accumulation of gas or food, helping to prevent constipation, improving the digestive process.
In addition, the amount and concentration of acid in yogurt is insignificant compared to the amount of acid in gastric juice, so it does not make the pain worse. In addition, the fermented bacteria in yogurt adhere to the digestive tract mucosa and secrete natural antibiotics, enhance local immunity, and inhibit the development of factors that cause stomach pain. However, you should eat yogurt after meals and not when hungry. Do not eat too much yogurt in a day. Pregnant women can eat sugar-free products.
Some other foods that reduce bloating include bananas because they contain a lot of potassium, which helps eliminate sodium and water. Papaya contains Papain - an enzyme that helps metabolize protein, releasing excess gas in the stomach, giving a pleasant feeling after eating. Papaya also reduces constipation, making bowel movements easier. You should eat ripe papaya, avoid eating on an empty stomach. Pineapple is rich in fiber, stimulating contractions.
Some spices like ginger help the body digest protein, increase intestinal motility, thereby improving bloating. Green vegetables provide a lot of fiber, effectively preventing constipation such as Malabar spinach, celery, spinach.
When you have gas, you should avoid eating beans, cruciferous vegetables, drinking milk or carbonated drinks.
Physician Bui Dac Sang
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association
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