GĐXH - Improper liver detoxification will have the opposite effect, negatively affecting health and even harming the liver.
According to medical experts, liver detoxification brings many health benefits if done correctly. However, many people are subjective and make mistakes in the process such as: Arbitrarily using products of unknown origin, or believing too much in liver detoxification... not only makes your liver weaker but also affects other organs.
7 mistakes when detoxifying the liver that are harmful to health
Detoxify the liver by fasting
Many people believe that fasting or eating less food is a way to detoxify the body. The principle of this method is based on the amount of food supplied to the body, which leads to a decrease in toxins. However, this is an unscientific method. Eating less causes the body to be severely deficient in nutrients. As a result, the body does not have enough energy to function, gradually causing malnutrition.
Detoxify your liver with a liquid diet
Liquid diet is understood as using a menu that includes liquid dishes such as soup, sweet soup, porridge, broth, etc. Many people choose this method because they believe that it will promote the detoxification process faster and stronger. However, liquid diet does not have any effect on detoxification. Regularly eating liquid foods also makes your body tired and causes stomach diseases.
Drinking water without principles
Drinking water is good, but it is only good when you drink in moderation. Women should provide enough 1.5 - 2 liters of water for the body every day. If you drink more water indiscriminately, it will lead to side effects. Your body will retain water, edema in the face and limbs, and liver and kidney function will be disrupted. This causes the liver to work beyond its capacity. Eliminating toxins and excess water from the body is difficult.
Eat too many vegetables
This is a completely wrong concept. Vegetables are not the only and best foods for the process of eliminating toxins. If you only use the vegetable food group for the nutritional pyramid, your body will lack many important nutrients, making it susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, you need to diversify your food groups. Prioritize combining dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, grapefruit, nutritious seeds and fatty fish.
Liver detox without doctor's advice
Performing a liver detox without consulting a doctor can be dangerous, especially for people with underlying medical conditions or taking medications. Talk to a healthcare professional before starting any detox program.
Ignore the body's warning symptoms
Many people start a liver detox when they experience symptoms like fatigue, nausea, or digestive issues without looking into the root cause of these problems. In fact, these symptoms may be a sign of another condition, like chronic liver disease, hepatitis, or other digestive issues.
Before embarking on any detoxification program, you should have a thorough health check-up and find out the cause of your symptoms. Detoxing without properly treating the underlying condition can make your condition worse.
Not keeping up with exercise
No detoxification method can replace a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol consumption are the best ways to support liver function.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/7-sai-lam-khi-thai-doc-gan-khien-gan-cua-ban-ngay-cang-yeu-di-172250212163221973.htm
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