GĐXH - Whether meeting friends or being invited to formal parties, avoid doing these 6 things if you don't want to be judged as someone with low EQ.
1. Be picky when reviewing food
Food is something that people find hard to agree on. Sometimes it's not the taste or quality of the food, it's just that you don't like it. Vegetarians naturally won't feel hungry when looking at chicken thighs and ribs, they probably won't find it delicious.
So if you are invited to someone's house for a meal, don't comment on the quality or even appearance of the food, let alone casually looking around the house and commenting on the furniture.
Your behavior will only make the other person think that this person is impolite and rude. Or the host will be very upset and they will never invite you like that again.
If invited to a restaurant, just follow the initiator's wishes, don't be picky or even specify the place to eat. If the initiator is interested, of course he will ask for your opinion.
In life, we always meet some people who think they are right, make countless personal comments, decide for the host of the party about where to go and what to eat when they are the host.
They may appear to be asking for the guest's opinion, but in reality they already have a plan in mind. This is an important point in communication, and needs to be carefully noted.
If invited to a restaurant, guests should follow the initiator's wishes, do not be picky or even specify the place to eat. Illustration photo
2. Take the first seat
People with high emotional intelligence will never take a seat before coming to the table.
They will often let others get organized first, then choose a suitable position for themselves.
In particular, even when wanting to stand up or go somewhere, people with high EQ will look to see what people around them are doing.
If they are still talking and eating, we should not leave without permission.
Many people are careless and do not care about where and when they sit. People with low EQ only think about their own position without knowing that this is not the right thing to do.
3. Overshadow the host of the party
Even though they are guests, some people deliberately choose the center position to sit. This is extremely rude and impolite.
This action is not only disrespectful to the host but also shows that you are a tactless and insensitive person.
Not only did they choose a central location to sit, some people also bragged and talked about their achievements throughout the meeting.
They don't care or pay attention to the host's feelings, but only want everyone to focus on their own "performance".
Additionally, you should also choose appropriate clothing when attending this meal.
People with high EQ will not choose outfits that are too outstanding, especially more outstanding than the host. That behavior will show that you are a person lacking in sophistication.
People with high EQ will not choose outfits that are too outstanding, especially more outstanding than the host. Illustration photo
4. Brag about yourself
People with low EQ always feel they are not strong enough so they like to show off to get recognition from others.
This is a habit that should be broken because trying to paint a picture of yourself only highlights ignorance and lack of sophistication.
In particular, bragging about your ambitions, personal achievements or assets not only makes others uncomfortable but can also make you lose points in the eyes of many people.
According to psychologist Dr. Anna Bruk, University of Mannheim, Germany, during meals, you need to learn to control your thoughts and words to avoid awkward situations.
5. Invite strangers to the party
Maybe you're being nice and want to introduce a new friend. Or maybe you're really good friends with this person and want to have some fun together.
But don't forget who initiated this dinner. Unless the host has invited and suggested you bring other friends.
Otherwise, it's best not to rush into bringing a stranger to someone else's party.
That will make the whole situation awkward, and will also make the other person feel embarrassed.
If you really can't go to a party alone, not understanding social etiquette will always make people feel a little shy and wary of keeping their distance.
Unless the host has invited and suggested you bring other friends. Illustration photo
6. Messy, throwing things away
In crowded places, each of us needs to maintain common sense. Distracting or throwing things around becomes unacceptable behavior.
Therefore, in any situation we need to pay attention to this to maintain our elegance.
If you reveal good habits and lifestyle, people around you will certainly have sympathy.
On the contrary, sometimes just one action of yours can make the other person have a bad impression.
Therefore, people with high emotional intelligence always show themselves as polite and tactful.
The more crowded they are, the more important their own behavior is. On the contrary, people with low emotional intelligence do not care about the comments of outsiders.
They mostly think only of themselves and do not think deeply about the consequences of their actions.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/6-hanh-vi-kem-sang-nguoi-eq-cao-khong-mac-khi-di-an-tiec-nhung-nguoi-eq-thap-lien-tuc-di-vao-vet-xe-do-172250324160646511.htm
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